Blantyre City Council erected clock tower at Sanjika crossroads
Barely a month after Blantyre City Council (BCC) indicated plans to install 31 city clocks in all the prime roundabouts and other crucial sites in the city, the council has erected a clock tower along the M1 road’s Haile Selassie, Victoria Avenue, Sanjika crossroads.
BBC’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Alfred Chanza disclosed last month that they already had eight clocks which were expected to be installed within weeks.
“We are doing this in accordance with the government’s reform of transforming Blantyre into attractive and beautiful city.
“Blantyre is a hub of commerce in Malawi and our vision is to be a city of choice in the region where people shall live, do business and prosper,” said Chanza in an interview.
The next thing you will hear is that the City has spent K5.6 billion to erect this trash around Blantyre. Ask me.
Take the damn things down! This does not meet the standard of a rising city centre like BT. City of BT should be ashamed. Erection of points of City Pride should first pass citizen go ahead…show people what you intend to put as showpiece and allow a viewing and vote of support like any planning warrants; if there is no opposition to the plan, you can go ahead. I wonder whether these clocks are home made and donated. Otherwise, I should fire your Buyer. Malawi is not South Sudan. Showcase something that will make BT truly outstanding and unique. Replace… Read more »
Tsopano uyo wayima pakati panseuyo akutanipo, koma si misala imeneyo?
Had it been that the houses seen in the picture with green iron sheets do not belong to Blantyre City Assembly, they could have been dressed in double big red stars. unfortunately these are inheritances of DDP from their colonial masters, welesike. Apa ndiye ndi mwana mbuu make mbunso basi.
waste of money. Clean Mudi River which is currently stinking shit and I believe the water flowing down the river is mixed with sewage somewhere upstream. this is one way of developing the city. Make it clean; natural water sources, trees, good road network (few congestion) and modern buildings. Go to India and see the same amwenye refusing to demolish old buildings here complying back home. Gavementi be serious at once please.
clock tower or a clock on a pole. Hahahahaha…. Malawi, ahahahahahaha!
clock tower or just a clock on a pole? Hahahahahaha…………Malawi hahahahahahhaha
I guess these were donated. BCC has more challenges than the absence of clock towers. Do they add any beauty to the city by the way? if the idea is to improve residents time management then I say we are still backwards. Almost every individual has a clock in form of either a wrist watch or on the phone. If they procured then I have the right to believe that someone in the procurement process benefitted corruptly from the this useless project.
Kumagula watch ulibe kabudula, ndi misalatu imeneyo! Mukuganiza bwanji kumipandoko. BCC has got so many challenges osati izi za ma watch tikuzionazi.
MEDIOCRITY AT ITS BEST. The same thing like allowing residents to construct parameter fences out of grass . No standards enforced . Do we have town planners in our country, or even the plans for our town and city growth projections? Is it that who ever becomes CEO of the town or city decides what to do regarding the growth of the city or town. As long as standards are not followed, Malawi will be the most backward country in the SADEC region