Malawi CSO set April 27 as demos date: Issues include biased MBC, K4bn saga

Malawi’s renowned civil society  groups, faith groups, and individual human rights and governance defenders have announced 27 April 2018 as the day when all Malawians will demonstrate across the country against the  way the government has handled the yet to be disbursed K4 billion funding to constituencies   and other governance issues.

Timothy Mtambo of CHRR, Trapence and Rev Macdonald Sembereka set demo dates

In a statement signed by activists Timothy Mtambo, Billy Mayaya, Gift Trapence, Robert Phiri, George Chiusiwa, Thokozani Mapemba, Macdonald Sembereka, Happy Mhango, Charles Kajolobeka, and Makhumbo Mkanavimbundi Munthali, the CSOs argue that “the decision to proceed with the demonstrations follows the inconsistencies, illegality and a cloud of suspicions that has characterised the entire process of the infamous K4 Billion scandal.”

Presidential adviser on Non-Governmental Organisationn said despite explainationd from Finance Minister Goodall Gondwe on the reasonability of the  K4bn, the CSOs have chosen “politically motivated” demonstrations.

He said the CSOS have right to “demonstrate just about anything.”

Capital Hill has maintained that the K4 billion funding is a ‘Quick Grant Project’ meant for rural development.

Th CSOs argue that the way funding is  raising serious governance and accountability questions such as: “Should the public still trust a ‘crooked and thieving’ government? Should Malawians continue to be taken for granted? Is the tax payers’ money safe in the hands of a crooked and thievinggovernment?”

Reads part of the statement: “It is against this background, and of course, the continued impunity of the Malawi Communications and Regulatory Authority (MACRA) and the Malawi Broadcasting Corporation (MBC); the betrayal of public trust through a politically and corruption infiltrated systematic rejection of electoral reforms; the continued electricity blackouts, the continued poor service delivery in public institutions, the poor conditions of service for public servants and the high youth unemployment levels to mention but a few that we announce these nationwide demonstrations on 27th April 2018.

”These demonstrations will provide Malawians the platform to air out their discontent on the high level of corruption and impunity that has characterised the above issues in the process contributing to the loss of public trust in their government.”

The theme of these nationwide demonstrations, according the CSOs, is: “For how long shall Malawians continue to be taken for granted? Loss of public trust in current Administration: Time to reclaim our Destiny”.

The organizers said: “The theme is based on the following: Section 12 (c) of the Malawi Constitution: ‘The authority to exercise power of State is conditional upon the sustained trust of the people of Malawi and that trust can only be maintained through open, accountable, and transparent Government and informed democratic choice’ and Isaiah 1:23 of the Bible: Your rulers are rebels, partners with thieves; they all love bribes and chase after gifts. They do not defend the cause of the fatherless [the voiceless, poor, powerless]”, reads the statement dated 20th March 2018.

Amongst the key demands included in the statement include the resignation or firing of Minister of Finance Goodall Gondwe and Minister of Local Government Hon. Kondwani over their role in the K4 Billion scandal; the complete cancellation of the K4 Billion “suspicious and illegal fund”; ACB to investigate allegations of state-sponsered corruption where government is alleged to have bribed some members of Parliament from the opposition side of Parliament to frustrate the electoral reforms Bill through rejection, abstaining or absenteeism; the retabling and approval of electoral reforms Bills including the Law Commission’s proposed 50%+1 system of electing the President; and also finding a lasting solution to the continued electricity blackouts.

The key organisations that have endorsed the CSOs statement include the Public Affairs Committee (PAC), Centre for Human Rights and Rehabilitation (CHRR), Centre for Development of People (Cedep), Youth and Society (YAS), Citizens Forum for the Defence of Good Governance, Civil Society Network Transparency and Accountability Child Rights Information and Documentation (CRIDOC), Knowledge of the Laws of the Land (KNOLL), AND Outreach Scout Foundation (OSF).

Meanwhile, the Civil Society organisations have announced that they have organized a series of activites which shall require public participation in the build up to the 27th April 2018 demonstrations.


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6 years ago

The demos should be planned differently this time. Let us do it like in Egypt ‘OCCUPY’ like Tahir Square

6 years ago

Pa ma CSOs onsewa palibe wabwino olo mmodzi… On what moral ground are they standing anthu okuba awa?

Also, you can only attract large crowds if u have ur priorities right, for the benefit of Malawians not just to please donors for funding.

Between the unsolved blackouts in Malawi and the 4 Billion Kwacha that was not even disbursed, what do you think is of more concern to Malawians? But you would rather deliberately demonstrate on the latter to make donor statements. Shame on you, amadyeramphotho.

6 years ago

NGOZO, SAPITA KAWIRI, KAWUNIWUNI, CHINDUNJI. Mutsegula m’mimba chaka chino.

6 years ago

Thanks CSOs. We need this demonstration. The Finance Minister is unstrustworth. He needs to leave the scene. How many silly decisions are they making behind our back. We need to ask these thieves to be accountable at once. Cant wait for the demonstration day.
This is a vote of NO confidence to MCP as well for supporting to legalising the theft.
This demonstration is not about politics but citizenly action to TRY stop current nd future legalised cashgate.

6 years ago

Demos have never worked and won’t on the 27th April. The system and people you are demonstrating against are like hardened criminals with their behaviour embedded in their psyche. They will just look the other way and continue looting like before. CSO’s please innovate in the way you push back on issues of national interest. Malawians are very peaceful but hopelessly disfranchised people and it is not in their genetic makeup to revolt or demonstrate in the streets, even if they are dying like flies. It is this unfortunate scenario that makes politicians loot the coffers with impunity, with the… Read more »

Dipipi wa Yudiefu
Dipipi wa Yudiefu
6 years ago

My friend never say never. Mugabe never believed for once that he would be out of power, and so with Zuma. They are just about to taste life in court soon.

6 years ago

There is no logic to these demonstrations. The money is for all constituencies DPP, MCP, PP and parliament endorsed the money – it has the power to do so. CSOs just SHUT the fu*k up!

6 years ago

Please our csos leaders, don’t cancel the demonstrations at eleventh this time around. I think you had learnt a lesson. Mavuto Bamusi will come to you to say let’s discuss, don’t give them chance. They will want to foll you again. I don’t take pleasure in taking part in demonstrations but this time I am ready to take part especially because of how biased MBC and MACRA are. MBC programming is very dangerous yet stupid MACRA is just watching.

Biti John
Biti John
6 years ago

Mudzayenda ndi ambuya anu pamodzi ndi abakha anu
Za ziiiii

6 years ago

Koma atumbuka kumva sadzamva. One attempt and another trying hard komabe failing. Points raised here are so weak as your fellow crooked MCP gave the nod to the passing of this in parliament. Come 28th May, we will see who will have the last laugh.

6 years ago

Mr. Trapence, Great that mwazindikira kuti kunja kuno kuli Bible! Mpaka kudziwa Isaiah?? So on immorality and incest Wat does the same Bible say?????????????????

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