Malawi falls in love with a new radio drama where love, faith, betrayal, and sexual health converge 

A new radio drama series has captured the attention of Malawi with its compelling storyline of love, faith, betrayal, and examination of sexual and reproductive health rights and laws.

Ligomeka with the team in the team behind the radio drama

Entitled Fupa Lokakamiza, the radio play is broadcast on Times Radio every Thursday at 8:30 pm, and it revolves around protagonist Linda, a devoted Born-Again Christian, and antagonist Mavuto at a college in the city of Blantyre.
As the story unfolds, many listeners are left wondering: Will arts student Linda, a passionate preacher and prayer warrior, succumb to the romantic advances of the notorious and manipulative Mavuto?
The first two episodes aired on Times Radio depict Mavuto swallowing his pride by joining a Student Pentecostal Fellowship where Linda is the lead.
While Linda’s close friend, Jude, questions Mavuto’s intentions, Linda defends him, quoting Irish playwright Oscar Wilde and drawing parallels from the Bible.
“Irish playwright Oscar Wilde once said that every saint has a past; and, every sinner has a future. In the Bible, Paul had a dark past but later became a vessel of God and a spiritual giant…..I am happy to welcome a new member, Mavuto, who in the past harassed and mocked some of us,” Linda announced.
The plot thickens in tonight’s episode.
One of the scriptwriters, Brian Ligomeka, commended the actors for their professional performance, attributing the success of the radio drama series to the training offered by the Centre for Solutions Journalism.
The training focused on the intersection of drama and sexual and reproductive health and rights.
Veteran artist Jeremiah Mwaungulu, also known as Chisi, found the training enlightening and beneficial, stating that the acquired knowledge equipped him to write more informed scripts.
“Most actors are naturally talented but lack formal education. The training ‘opened many eyes’, and provided in-depth skills and knowledge, on acting, reproductive health issues and laws. I now feel equipped to write more informed scripts,”  said Mwaungulu, who is a co-scriptwriter of Fupa Lokakamiza.
Activist and actress Prisca Kunsida lauded the workshop for promoting interaction, networking, and idea-sharing among participants.
Susan Chowe, a seasoned industry professional, emphasized the value of continuous learning, particularly in gaining a deeper understanding of their industry and related legislative issues such as the Termination of Pregnancy Bill.
“I’ve been in the industry for many years, but constant learning is essential. This training provided new and in-depth knowledge about our industry. I’ve gained practical tools to create engaging and impactful stories,” she said.
Thokozani Kapiri, a theatre academician and prolific actor, stressed the significance of using drama to package messages on controversial issues.
The Fupa Lokakamiza radio drama series is produced by the Centre for Solutions Journalism as part of the Pamoja Project, supported by the African Network of Health Education (RAES).
The Centre for Solutions Journalism focuses on media content production on human rights issues.

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