265 primary teachers awarded in Thyolo
Two hundred and sixty- five primary school teachers in Thyolo were all smiles last Friday when, for the first time, the district’s education office awarded them and their schools for best performance.
The awards were given to Standard Eight teachers for producing Grade As in the 2018/19 Primary School Leaving Certificate of Education (PSLCE) examinations at a function at Thyolo Secondary School hall.
Other awards were given to the best head teacher, the best school and the best education zone in the district. The teachers received K1 000 each for every Grade A their pupils got in their respective subjects in the examinations whereas the best performing schools received a trophy, teaching materials and K30 000.
Guest of honour at the event, Minister of Local Government and Rural Development Ben Phiri, congratulated those who received awards. He urged them to work hard to achieve good results in the 2019-20 academic year.
Phiri also promised to support primary education in the district and pledged to contribute K1.5 million towards next year’s awards.
In his remarks, Thyolo district education manager Godfrey Kubwense expressed optimism, saying the event will motivate teachers to work hard.
“Good work must be recognised and appreciated. This will not only encourage the teachers to work harder, but also motivate others who were not putting much effort in their work to start working hard,” he said.
Alice Mpumira, a teacher at Machemba Primary School whose pupils got 43 As in her subjects, thanked the event’s organisers for the recognition, saying she did not expect it.
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Nice move.
KKKKKK So what is K1000?
It is for every A. If there are 10 that means K10000.00! That is better