362kms charity walkers cover 60kms in after day two

The seven young Malawians, who set off yesterday for the  362kms charity from the Capital City Lilongwe to Blantyre to raise funds to buy 11 different medical equipment from India for the High Dependency Unit of Kamuzu Central Hospital’s paediatric ward, have covered 60kms.

Charity walkers at Nanjiri
Charity walkers at Nanjiri
Walking to hep KCH
Walking to hep KCH

The group, Wanangwa Msutu, Duwa Mvula, Milca Mphepo, Tiyanjane Kapalamula, Ruth Gondwe, Ivy Chilingulo and Kalolo Msaka, were seen off at Kamuzu Central Hospital by many supporters including wife to the country’s Vice-president, Madam Mary Chilima.

“We are ever so grateful for the great support we have recieved from family, friends, organisation representatives, KCH staff, the media and the special visitation by Madam Mary Chilima,” said the group’s spokeperson Deborah Mayuni.

“Thank you Malawi for believing in us. The guys have been amazing. They are strong and determined.”

She said the team spent Monday night in the hospitable care of Matindi Girls Academy 8kms after after Nathenje road block after covering 30kms and on Tuesday covered covered a further 30.

The seven target to raise MK22 million and they are appealing to the public to sponsor MK362 per kilometre in the campaign whose theme is #362forKCH. Contribution can be sent through Airtel Money, TNM Mpamba or bank deposits at Standard Bank, City Mall Branch, current account number 01400369314000.

“People have also been sending in some money through Airtel Money.

They have already secured a quotation from Worldwide Pharmaceutical Distributors of India for one defribilitor, one ECG machine, six infusion pumps, four reusable raryngoscopes, four nebulisers, six oxygen concentrators, six patient monitors, five portable oxygen cylinders, five resuscitation bags and masks, 500 suction catheters and four suction machines.

The equipment comes with the manufacturer’s warranty against any defect and that engineers from India shall come to install and demonstrate proper use. First year service is for free with a maximum of three visits.

Dubbed ‘Strides of Hope’, this is a campaign by a charity organisation called Beyond You, whose founder is Duwa Mvula.

“We think as young people, we can also contribute to the development of our nation,” Kayuni said. “We may not at the moment have all the needed finances, but surely we can help mobilise the resources.

“We hope people will be compelled to give toward the cause, seeing as these guys have made such a sacrifice in hope for a better future,” she said.

The group has a support team which will be arranging their lodging and food. They will travel with a doctor on site as well as food and medical supplies.

Carlsberg has sponsored drinks and water, Hercules Gym in Area 10 in Lilongwe trained the team for endurance to prepare them.

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8 years ago

very impressive

8 years ago

The banks details Standard Bank, City Mall Branch, current account number 01400369314000. – See more at: http://www.nyasatimes.com/362kms-charity-walkers-cover-60kms-day-two/#sthash.LIN0QzoG.dpuf for Malawian in diaspora

koma Kumeneko
koma Kumeneko
8 years ago

inspiring indeed , together we can

8 years ago

Very inspiring indeed. you need to be supported.

8 years ago

Ok? sounds good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! all the best to you guys.
Will be asking God to empower you until mwakwanisa what your heart has desired.

GN Kuweruza
GN Kuweruza
8 years ago

am humbled and inspired…!

Malawian in diaspora
Malawian in diaspora
8 years ago

Any bank account details for some of us who are outside Malawi but have the wish to support you guys?

8 years ago

I believe there is a gofundme account. Please check their page, Beyond You on Facebook.

8 years ago

bola osatupa maphazi…! mukachoka ku blantayako muyendenso kupita kumpoto kusonyeza kudana ndi zakuphedwa kwa ALUBINOFE..!!

November Rain
November Rain
8 years ago
Reply to  alabino

Ku Blantyre ko.

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