47 Malawi Catholics start pilgrimage to Holy Land

A contingent of 47 Malawi Catholic  representatives from almost all dioceses in the country on Monday left for a five-day pilgrimage to the Holy Land, Jerusalem.

The group includes six priests and former sports minister Moses Dossi and others.

Dossi told Nyasa Times that they were making  a journey with a purpose “to honour God.”

During the tour, the delegation will visit Cana , this is the place Jesus performed his first miracle where he changed water into win. They will also visit the garden of Gethsemane, Nazareth where Jesus grew up.

Dossi: On pilgrimage

Other places they will visit will be St Joseph workshop and Mount Tabor where Jesus transformed before Peter, James and John.

Leader of the pilgrimage, Fr. Dr Joseph Kimu said the Catholic Church organized the trip to Israel to help its faithfuls deepen their spiritual life.

“By visiting some specific places where Jesus walked and performed miracles, you really share His experiences and become more connected to Him and appreciate that God really walks among us,” Kimu said.

Fr. Kimu also led 52 Catholics last year to the same land. He said the number has decreased because of the devaluation of the Malawi currency.

The people making the pilgrimage have each contributed K632 700.

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