Malawi in another shocking malpractice: Boy dies after cultural circumcision, buried secretly
Malawi Police in Kasungu are looking for a Yao initiation camp councillors (Angaliba) after a 13 year old boy they circumcised died of severe bleeding.

Kasungu police spokesperson Edna Mzingwitsa said Julius Sayineti died last week after he was circumcised.
This comes as President Peter Mutharika and some sections of Malawians are questioning the merit of some traditions and culture following revelations that a 40 year old man had sexual intercourse with over 100 widows and under age girls in an archaic Sena tribe sexual cleansing ritual.
Mutharika has since ordered the criminalisation of harmful cultural practices.
Mzingwitsa said the boy died in the yao initiation camp on a river bank and Yao elders and parents secretly buried him without going to hospital.
“Medical personnel from Kasungu District Hospital accompanied by a team of police officers went to the village, exhumed the body and conducted a postmortem which showed the boy died of severe bleeding due to the circumcision which went wrong,” she said.
She said the man who administered the circumcision and his assistant is at large.
Sayineti, a jovial school going boy, hailed from Mthiko Village in Chief Wimbe’s area in Kasungu.
Some years ago, the government ordered that all circumcision be done in hospitals for safety reasons and prevent the spread of HIV and AIDS as the angalibas use one razor blade to circumcise all boys.
The Yao culture does not allow a boy who has been circumcised to go back to the village or hospital when sick.
Yao boys spend the whole two months summer holiday in initiation camps instead of attending summer lessons for their formal education. Just last week a ngaliba in Dedza was arrested after he circumcised a chewa boy in another yao initiation camp.
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circumcision is very painful so pafunikadi kuti azipangitsadwa only by professional medical personnel who can help you through out the whole process mpakana uzachire bhobho.
there is no issue to cause alarm. botched abortions happen everywhere even in developed countries. The problem is the barbaric cutting of young boys.; what is it for? This is primitive. Circumcision is evil and the govt must intervene to stop it. May the soul of the young boy rest in peace
Ayao ayao ayao kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!! Koma muzamva?
besides circumcision is not just a practice in Malawi, it happens and is encouraged all over the world. Is it not on this very page they were drumming support for circumcision to stem Aids? now it has become a shocking malpractice?
Muslims do it as a religious duty, Jews have specially trained religious people who do it.
These are signs of self loathing in order to please a foreign audience.
Zimachitika zimenezo ndipo nd I ‘coz I, palibepo nkhani apartment. Nanga tonse tingakhalire kudya mbewa. Apolisi ingokhwimisani chitetezo kuti ana asamakachite kugwidwa ku theba.
Komatu pano mps ndie kuli makolite
The folly of body mutilation. If you can’t clean your teeth, dislodge them out of mouth. If you can’t wash your vulva, cut of its labias. If you can’t clean your glans penis, cut off its cover. If you cannot convert them, kill them. The culture of the unclean and the bruttal. The folly of Islam. To keep a healthy body, clean it – don’t dismember it. To keep a healthy spirit, go to Jesus – not to Mohammad. Jesus came to give life, Mohammad came to kill. Malawi is not for circumcision. Malawi is not for Mohammad. To hell… Read more »
If the one from Nsanje is a hyena, this one from Kasungu must be called Kambuku. Where is our country going? How many cultural norms does Kasungu have? I am asking this question knowing that Kasungu is a Chewa territory which is not known for initiations rituals. We know Kasungu as a ‘Gule wamkulu’ hub. So how come that this Yao thing is making inroads into Kasungu. On a lighter note, let me congratulate the Malawi Police Service for starting to recruit beautiful ladies (like the one inset) into their service. Kalekale ku police eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!.
Nkhani ngati izi ndizimene zimandikwiyitsa kwambiri. Zina ndi izi zomapha ma albinos…If I was the head of state..I mean if I was even closer to the head of state..pakanavuta pa Malawi pano
When you report and indicate in your headlines that Malawi does this and this, who exactly are you targeting, what message are you trying to send across? Why is an act that occurs in a tiny and localised setting of the country extrapolated as representative of Malawi? Why do you bundle up practices of an ethnic group and interpret them as that of a nation? I expect better reporting from local journalists. The way this issue is going now – nobody seems really bent on solving the problems. The issue has now created excitement whose sole aim is to make… Read more »
Agalu a zukhulupiliro kusauka sikuzatha ndi mabulutu a ku Nyasaland