MCP ready to move motion to impeach Malawi President
Main opposition Malawi Congress Party (MCP) has said it is backing Human Rights Defenders (HRD) bid for Speaker of Parliament Richard Msowoya to summon an emergency Parliament meeting to consider impeaching President Peter Mutharika following his alleged involvement in the K2.7 billion Malawi Police Service (MPS) fraud.

MCP Secretary General Eisenhower Mkaka said the party is ready start a process of impeachment of President Mutharika by providing a member of Parliament who can lodge the motion.
“MCP is ready to provide a legislator to submit a notice of motion to impeach President Mutharika,” said Mkaka.
He said MCP president Lazarus Chakwera is already on record to have spoken strongly against “prince of thieves” and worsening corruption in the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) led administration.
“Malawians are suffering as a result of corruption,” said Mkaka.
“We cannot sit and watch while the Presudent aids in milking an already thin cow that is Malawi.”
Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) investigation report indicated that Mutharika was allegedly involved in a K2.3 billion MPS and Pioneer Investments supply deal, where he receivec K145 million from the supplier into a Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) account for which he is the sole signatory.
But presidential spokesperson Mgeme Kalilani said Mutharika is not moved with threats of impeachment because Mutharika never benefitted from proceeds of the Police -Pioneer Investment contract.
He said: “The record is clearly that the President never benefited from the alleged funds and he did nothing wrong.”
A November 2017 leaked ACB investigative report says a day after Pioneer Investments deposited K2.793 billion payment from Police for supplying 500 000 ration packs, the firm transferred K145 million to a DPP Standard Bank account.
According to Procedures for impeachment of President or Vice-President, as laid down in Section 208(1) “A member wishing to move a motion to indict the President or the Vice-President for impeachment shall give a notice of intention to move such a motion, signed by one-third of Members of the Assembly to the office of the Speaker seven days before the motion to indict the President or the Vice-President on impeachment is moved in the Assembly.”
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ndimaikonda MCP koma vuto kukonda ndalama…apapa akutero koma tsiku pa impeachment onse azajomba chifukwa azakhala atalandira ndalama,mungoganiza mmene amanenera za confirmation ya IG,Wonani zinakhala bwanji?onse kujomba…zoona sungawadalire ma MP a mcp amatikhumudwitsa pena
Some times I despair about Chakwera and MCP. Why waste energy on impeachment instead of concentrating on the elections?
Oooooooooooh! mwanditsakula maso. Mwaona kuti chisankho simungawine ndiye mwina impeachment. Bodzatu imathamanga koma simachedwa kdziwika that why mukufuna impeachment on petty issues kuopa kuti a Malawi angatulukire bodza lanu chisankho chisanachitike. Mwalemba mmadzi. Tiye nazoni. Mzanu akulira ku Zimbabwe panopa. Voti sipa facebook koma mumtima. Samalani mungamwe madzi ometera ndevu.
I wouldn’t trust mcp parliamentarians. They are easily lured with cash. Easily bought that is why we have been crying all these four years. Kaboma kakadagwa kalekale ako.
Thanks vp for coming to our help.
Good idea and kudos MCP!! Please impeach this man before he retires to avoid him from going ahead to getting retirement benefits!! The guy has already taken too much from our resources!! Munthu owoneka ngati wa cheteeeeeeeeeee koma chimbavaaaaaaaaaaaaa heavyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy makosanaa!! Sindinawonensoooooooooooooooooooo
It is very disturbing to get comments like what Kalilani is saying. Kodi mukamati he did not benefit, who withdrew funds from the account when inu nomwe you agree that he was the sole signatory!! Kalilani, kaya ena amati m’geme kaya mg’oma usatiyanse ndi zoteteza sugar wakonzo wanmvaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Please add Chakwera I Amel one of your supporters but do motel let us down by pushing for hat will not work. Focus on facts and issues you will address when you get elected. Even if you oust Mutharika through impeachment please note that Chilima will be the next president. Just focus on telling Malawians what their Malawi will be wit you at the helm of power.
MCP,just concentrate on campaign than wasting time with petty issues.will you manage to get two third of MPs in Parliament? Even if you get the majority MPs there will be court battles
MCP don’t waste time fighting Others Selfish People battles.Mukampanga Impeach ndiye Alowe Saulo ndi ndina Zake Kaliati,Masangwi, Callista etc mkumati Zinthu zizatoyenda?These people blocked 50+1,supported Jose,blocked Independent ACB director etc.Koma Amalawi atofuna Abalaba omweo.Zisakukhuzeni.Let a UTM MP move the motion!
General Spoon where are you with your boys? Lets do ZIM way .We need a better Malawi pleeeeeeeeeeease
Waste of time and resources