Musicians to launch ‘Battle of Praise’ festival
Gospel musicians Steve Wazisomo Muliya and Shammah Vocals will headline the official launch of the newly introduced annual praise concerts dubbed ‘battle of praise’ scheduled to take place at Blantyre cultural centre on Sunday 9th of September.

Strictly praise and worship songs, the event will bring together some top gospel artists including Thoko Katimba, King James Phiri, Eliza Mponya and Neligo woman’s Choir among others.
Speaking in an interview Steve Muliya said people should expect one of the great events ever saying the spirit of the lord will manifest.
Muliya said the name Battle of Praise is emanating from the book of chronicles where God told Judah to form group of singers in order to fight enemies.
“The name is biblical and it’s taken from the book of 2 Chronicles 20 vs 20, in this chapter Judah led by Jehoshaphat had faced enemies from 3 different nations but when they had asked the lord, he told them to form groups of singers and that’s how they won the battle.
“Acts 16 also talks about Paul and Silas in prison, they sang songs of praise until foundation of the prison got shaken and door were opened, this is just an indication that there is power in praise,” he said.
He added that some battles can easily be won through praise since the introduction of the initiative.
In a separate interview, Shammah Vocals said he is ready to dish out the best performance.
“It’s time that we must give our audience the best and real gospel music extracted from the scriptures”, he said
Slated to start at 1 O’clock in the afternoon, the event will attract an entry fee of K1, 500 per head.