Mchacha celebrates DPP poll victory with black cock, lock
Ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP)controversial regional governor for the south Charles Mchacha on Tuesday rounded up the party victory with a display of a black cock and a lock.
The black cock is the symbol of the main opposition, the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) while the lock is the symbol of the Peoples Party (PP), a party that went into an electoral alliance with the MCP ahead of the highly contentious 2019 tripartite elections.
Mchacha walked majestically with the cock and lock in his hand as DPP supporters made insulting remarks against the MCP and MCP.
MCP got 62 parliamentary seats in the 193 strong House while the DPP got 55 parliamentary seats.
Leader for MCP Lazarus Chakwera got 35.45 per cent of the vote cast while the DPP’s Peter Mutharika got 38.57 per cent, giving the president a narrow win of just over three per cent.
This is not victory but robbery. Wait
This is cruelty to animals and backward thinkng
Izi nde zopusa mwayambazi inu a pumbwa,ukakhala ufula sitigula ndi ndalama muzuasiya a Malawi azisankha wokha wosati a MEC mothandizidwa ndi nyasi yawo Ansah,katangale wakulikulu ndekuli bwanji mma office aboma onse chipani chochititsa manyazi ngati ichi sinachionepo,pano kuona munthu atavala makaka achipani cha DPP ndikumamulavula pompo kuli kunyansidwa ili nsima bola kukadyera mchimbudzi,kusiyana ndikumaona nyasi zomwe watigwiritsa Ansah ndi a Court
Uku Kunali kulira kwa akuntchito, a mpingo pitilizani ndi mwambo wanu
five years imprisonment with hard labor
DPP got 62, MCP 55.
you have forced the victory
graveyard is waiting for you
we better remain with chimulirenji
Koma mbuli iyi yotchedwa Mchacha. How could you do that when you pretty know your MEC tippexed results in your favor?
Palibe wamuyaya aliyense azafa ndithu. Osamawafunila amzathu imfa ai. Uwu siumunthu ai. Amalawi tatani kodi?
Ufiti? Why wishing somebody dead….r u sane?
You forgot Tip-Ex already discard it you uneducated fool!