Police arrest Chisoni students loan board CEO

Malawi Police Service in Lilongwe have arrested Higher Education Students Loans Board executive director Chris Chisoni, National Police Spokesperson James Kadadzera has confirmed.

Chris Chisoni arrested

But he  did not give details of Chisoni’s arrest on Thursday.

However, information indicate that he gave out an K18 million contract to his wife’s firm EE & A Enterprises of Lilongwe  for printing diaries and  supply stationary to the board.

This was the time when the students loans board was experiencing cash-flow problems and had to cut the list of students seeking loans in public universities.

Before joining the board, Chisoni was a vocal critic of the government when he was the coordinator of Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace (CCJP).

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Baba Tunde
Baba Tunde
4 years ago

This guy was a poor village boy at Chanco. Very religious. Just like Magalasi. Give such people a sniff at money and this is what you get. So ungrateful!

4 years ago
Reply to  Baba Tunde

Many people who did sociology at Chanco are thievies in Government, in particular within the Ministry of Gender and Social Services. HRDC please investigate the whole Ministry as its rotten with corrupt officials

4 years ago

Elimination of Lhomwes

4 years ago
Reply to  Tizanka

So Chisoni is another Lomwe, nde Alomwenu munatasatu palipose head anali mulomwe ? Inu ndi nthawi yolilira ku usi! Lol! Koma ndi nkhondo yamasiku anoyi ya 50 + 1 mulimba????? paja inu mumadalira ka 38% basi mulinali phee nthawi imeneyija?

4 years ago

Zinawoneka izi kufuna kulemera msanga mpaka kunenepa mutu chonchi skombingo amanena SKC ija

Mulomwe wina Ndine
4 years ago

If procurement procedures were not flouted, there is no issue here even if the winner of the tender was Chisoni’s wife. A CEO is normally not part of the bid opening nor bid evaluation committee and there is no way chisoni could declare conflict of interest. In any case, it was not necessary for Chisoni to declare the conflict of interest even at the point of approving payment because he was not part of the procurement team. If he did not interfere with the selection process, there is no issue here. Vuto ndiloti you have waged a cold war against… Read more »

4 years ago

Against my very bitter judgment I agree with most of what you said.
But I’ll also hasten to add,, you can’t tell me it’s coincidental how things played out. If all was done in good faith then, “there’s no issue here”. But good reason demands that I have my reservations.
When something is too good to be true, it probably is.

4 years ago

There is an issue even if procurement procedures were dully followed it is called conflict of interest read introduction to company law in Malawi by cassim chilumpha

4 years ago

Conflict on interest.

Baba Tunde
Baba Tunde
4 years ago

Conflict of interest and PEPs are very serious issues in procurement. You’re an ignorant prick

msunde barracks
msunde barracks
4 years ago

Procurement procedures amaletsa kupereka order kwa iwe mwini or immediate families. Zikomo kumpando

4 years ago

You seem not to know that the Chair of Procurement works is appointed under delegation by the CEO and that the contract is ALWAYS signed the CEO, taking responsibility of all the procurement procedures. But I forgive your thinking capacity, since your comment tells all who you are

Aneneli Onyenga
4 years ago

So, when you are the CEO of say Escom, does it mean kuti no one from your family or relatives should tender and win a contract at that company?

msunde barracks
msunde barracks
4 years ago

Ana osauka kulephera kupeza ma loan galu iwe ulibe chisoni? Ndiwe munthu omvetsa chisoni. Tamuoneni nkhope ngati galu onyowa kumvetsa chisoni

Unima alumni
Unima alumni
4 years ago

Kuba kumeneku ndiye muziti tibweze ngongole (sacco) tinatenga ija?

4 years ago
Reply to  Unima alumni

Inenso singabweze

4 years ago

You need to investigate also officers in the Ministry of Gender and Social Services. Too much abuse of donor funds there in the past 10 years. A simple officer has 20 houses, how is that possible?

4 years ago

No Lomwe will be spared . This is Jihaad on Llomwes. Why could they rule this country for such a long time? MCP is fearing if these people are left scot-free they will bounce back in 2025

Baba Tunde
Baba Tunde
4 years ago
Reply to  Kenamu

Is Chisoni a politician? You’re just confirming that these people were given positions nepotisticslly through Muthako mwa Alomwe tribal grouping

4 years ago
Reply to  Kenamu

Chisoni is from Mchinji

4 years ago

Diaries and calenders? This is 2020 a Malawi! Every bloody phone has a calender and u can schedule any appointment or u name it for free. These are the same with an tablet and a smart phone all the time. This is done just to steal money.

Parallel Market
Parallel Market
4 years ago

Can the reporter shed more light on this story? What is the issue here, is it about not following procurement procedures or perceived exorbitant printing prices? Come on Journalist, do a good job please.

4 years ago

Theft is theft, no matter whether its big or small. If he stole money belonging to the people he will get inside. The amount does not matter leave that to the judges.
Overriding procument protocols does not make it any a lesser crime. I am sure you have different opinion, but the best way to prove he is not that wrong try doing it yourself and lets see if you will not spent a day in the cooler. Go on and give a govt or a parastatal order to your wife.

4 years ago

Too bad you want to be spoon fed. Don’t be lazy.

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