Chakwera’s touch of humility: Can he make it a mark of his leadership?

The story of Lazarus Chakwera’s rise to presidency is typical of a Malawian boy, born and raised in kerosene but, against all odds, he benefited from a functional education system that catapulted him to different capitals of power.

President Chakwera with Sosten Gwengwe: Humility

In him you see a man who never missed a stage of life and, also, the hustles that define the label of being a Malawian.

To those close to him, Chakwera can be an enigma. Seldom, they say, he smiles and when he does, it’s always conflicting for you never know he is amused or not.

His wife, Monica -the First Lady – tells of a Lazarus who never gives up, he is thoughtful and, as she winked, she adores his love as a man of his heart.

Asked of his measure, most politicians underlines that Chakwera is a that tactical guy: ruthless at planning level but strategically withdrawn at execution, always choosing to front his soldiers.

One senior politician said: “Chakwera is dangerous; never mistake his silence for nothing.”

There could be, of course, a litany words and phrases do describe there an attribute of humility in the man that we can never take away from him.

Chakwera has been accepted as humble, listening, approachable kind-hearted but, of course, firm. Coming from darker yesteryears where our State House was terrorized by suspicious characters without a measure of comes from their mouth, Chakwera—with all his human weaknesses—comes with a relief of a beautiful dawn that many, already, are cherishing.

Weeks before last year’s June 23 Fresh Elections, Chakwera together  chose  to sit on the floor at the morgue of Luke Daeyang Hospital in Lilongwe while attending a funeral of a person related to former leader president Peter Mutharika.

It happened that chairs had delayed and Chakwera   -in company of party loyalist and now marverick Minister of Trade Sosten Gwengwe – was said he saw no problem sitting down. It was at a funeral after all.

Well, such an instance does define the measure of Chakwera’s humility and it is only fair to ask him to let it also become a feature of his leadership.

We don’t need a weak president, one—like Everton Chimulirenji, who masks his weakness in humility. No. We need a strong leader who is available, approachable, down to earth and, above all, one who is in control, takes responsibility and is ready to govern with a touch of respect and honor.

Chakwera is not far from that. It’s my prayer he doesn’t stray from this route. Leaders must be humble and we need a generation transition and the best is  what Chakwera is doing, taking  the youth along – especially  those morally upright and full of honesty and integrity.

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4 years ago

Sitting on the ground is no sign of humility. Thats just a public stunt… if u want to know about the humble president..president jose mujica of Uruguay was the humble president. Some call him the poorest president in the world…although Uruguay is far richer that malawi the president choose not to take his salary..only 10 % of it the rest the gave out to charity, he used his old vw beetle for all the term in office.. he remained at his house a 1 bedroom house with his wife who is a Senator.. Chakwera promised to cut the convoy we… Read more »
4 years ago

Kkkkkkk sitting on the ground is the sign of failing

4 years ago

‘Enter the dragon’ or is it enter the cat!

4 years ago


It took you 26 YEARS to destroy this country…..

now you expect someone to fix it in 6 MONTHS????

You must be NUTS.

4 years ago

This shows that we had a weak opposition.

4 years ago

That’s true

Mwini muzi
Mwini muzi
4 years ago

It just shows that you never experienced the 31 years under Kamuzu. Given this period, this country should have been well advanced compared to the 26 years.

Last edited 4 years ago by Mwini muzi
4 years ago

We want action not showing people sitting on the floor, munaona kumalliro a kumudzi ayayala masofa okhalapo? timakhala pansi kumene kumalairo, nothing new here

4 years ago

Mchewa nde mwini mwambo,kugule amati tizikhala aulemu

4 years ago
Reply to  Kumz

chilombo chinayamba chakhala ndi ulemu? kusewela kumanda kungakhale ulemu?

4 years ago

Ife izi tilibe nazo ntchito, ndale zachikale izi, Malawi asanapenye, we want tangible results.

William Chirwa
4 years ago

In running a country it’s not humility which you and I are looking for but policies and actions which will deliberately put food on my table. For your w information Mr. Reporter there are times you play PR to soothe people’s ergos it’s winning the warts and minds of people when you arent what you are protrayinh

4 years ago

Good leader 💪🏿🇲🇼

4 years ago

What is this f**king praise singing all about? I don’t get it. Almost all multiparty leaders have done this pretense in one way or another mpaka ena adadya usipa wosaphika, were they or have they been good leaders? This nonsense must stop. Let our leader concentrate on strategic issues not populism.

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