University of Malawi in U-turn over colleges delinking

In a very surprising and dramatic move, the University of Malawi (Unima) Council has stopped the process of delinking it’s constituent colleges.

Unima delinking process stopped

In a statement signed by deputy University Registrar Ashanie Gawa and addressed to principals of the constituent colleges, Shawa says the council held an extraordinary meeting on Wednesday January 20, where it was resolved that the process of delinking the constituent colleges  be reversed.

The Council says the stand has been taken pending  functional review that will guide  to identify areas requiring improvement and enhancing efficiency of its colleges in totality.

The statement further says that the decision to delink the constituent colleges was ultra vires  or not in line with the powers of the Senate and the Council.

The process to delink the colleges from UNIMA started in 2017 with an amendment, by Parliament, to the University of Malawi Act of 1965.

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4 years ago

Only people who don’t think abstractly will clap hands for this decision

4 years ago

Tonse government is trying to undo the undone.

4 years ago

This is ultra stupidity at its best! So far delinking of the colleges has registered tremendous benefits just go to Luanar now within the shortest period after delinked one will appreciate the development that has taken place so reversing is not only disgraceful but stupidity at its best and i dont think the authorities of Luanar are happy with such decision.

4 years ago

One of the most stupid things I have heard this year. The reason why intellectuals must not be taken seriously. And this is also a manifestation of rotten politics. May God intervene.

4 years ago

This is not only stupid but also illegal. Wirima and his council can not overturn an act of Parliament.

4 years ago

When did you realise that the deli king idea was ultra vires? This is recklessness of the highest order. LUANAR, for instance, has gone way ahead in its independent programmes and are doing well. Do you expect them to go back to the so called good for nothing Unima family? Politics aside, the idea to delink was a good one and should proceed. We can’t be held back just because some old folks at University Office want to protect their valueless jobs.

The Good son
4 years ago

This was a Shitty idea from the word go , I will never understand how solving bureaucratic tendacies by the Unima senate can olny be achieved through diluting already shitty university , I mean look at the polytechnic how can that be a university they barely do any serious research work or have infrastructure to back it up they have shortage of everything from hostels to lectures, people with first degree are lecturing final year student and you want to make that a university??. Find another way like decentralization of the colleges to make decisions no need for the senate… Read more »

4 years ago

How can council reverse a law that was passed by parliament and duly assented to by the president? We are indeed a banana republic.

4 years ago

This is strategic mistake coming from tonse alliance. Don’t just reverse because it was started by your enemy dpp. The delinking was very intelligent idea and could have resulted in accelerated growth and enhanced quality for the colleges.

APM and Zameer in K145 million Scam

Maganizo opusa a dpp atheretu. Destructive party. A party of thieves.

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