Mibawa Television, MUST sign MoU partnership for ‘Media Training’

Malawi’s local private leading television,  Mibawa Limited Company which comprises of Mibawa TV and studios has entered into a long partnership with the Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST), an agreement which will provide opportunity to students from university to do their practicals for production works training at the institution.
Speaking during the  official signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) which took place  on Tuesday at MUST campus in Thyolo, Mibawa Limited Executive Director,  John Nthakomwa described the partnership as very crucial in terms of sharpening young people on the part of practical side which has been the major challenges to many students who mostly struggle to perform when they are recruited in the media industry after coming out of school as they only poses theoretical knowledge but lacks practical skills.
“It has been a worrisome development to note that  once the students complete their studies they literally don’t know much about production.
So, this is what initiated the discussion with MUST so that there should be an opportunity for students who are studying media related programs to be able to come as interns at Mibawa studies and get drilled in the practical part.
“As a media institution we are very proud of this agreement because we’ll contribute to the development of the country by producing people who are well equiped both on practical  and theoretic areas who can go out and perform once they get employed or establish their own media organization,” said Nthakomwa.
In his remarks, University Librarian for  MUST, Dr. Kondwani Wella expressed optimistic that the partnership will play a vital role in bringing theory and practice together and deliver the programing that combines the two aspects of training so that when they are graduating the students they should be market ready and run with the vision of MUST in developing the nation.
Wella also added that the coming together of Mibawa Limited and MUST falls inline with the five key pillars which the University intends to achieve and contribute to the Malawi 2063 agenda.
“We are hopeful that through this relationship we’ll be able to produce skilful media practitioners who will also manage to package relevant information useful for each section of the society for both rural as well as urban and achieve Malawi which we admire for,” said Wella.
Currently, MUST has about 200 students who are studying media related programs.

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