Fuel hitches work on Zomba Community ground

Limited fuel allocation by the Zomba City Council has affected maintenance work on Zomba Community Centre (ZACC) ground.

Zomba Community Centre Ground
Zomba Community Centre Ground

Work on the ground started three weeks ago following concerns from football fans in the old capital over poor condition.

A visit to the site by Nyasa Times during the first two weeks found that trucks were filling the ground with black soil whereas water bowsers and water pump outside the ground were used to water the

By this time, Stanley Funsani, a resident in the city donated 40 litres of fuel for the cause.

The meeting involved Zomba City Council (ZCC) management and Mayor Joana Ntaja, a committee of concerned football fans and other stakeholders such as Malawi Defence Force (MDF).

Manager of the ground Richard Chipungu said progress has derailed due to limited funding of fuel.

“Within a few days of watering, the grass on the ground started picking up and some bare areas that were visible on the ground are being covered,” he said.

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10 years ago

You call that a football pitch? more like a rice pad field or pigetry.Zamanyazi zedi 50 years?

10 years ago

I wonder why having a proper football pitch is a challenge in Malawi. Kwa anzathu kuno football pitches for social football are way better than Silver Stadium. Should watering a football pitch be an issue with all the water sources we have? It just a lack of political will and mpira sungatutuke. Is it not interesting that we find the only perfect pitch at Kamuzu Acadamy till today? A Ngwazi anali amunadi zoona.

10 years ago
Reply to  zedediya

Kazikhalani komko kuno musazabwerenso. Kaya shift ikuyenda bwanji? Or nthawi yowonera npira kumeneko mumayipeza inu?

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