Njobvuyalema elected SADC parliamentary vice chair

Malawi Congress Party (MCP)  legislature Joseph Njobvuyalema has been elected as vice chairperson for SADC parliamentary forum in the elections which took place in Zimbabwe.

Njobvuyalema:  Gets SADC post
Njobvuyalema: Gets SADC post

Annie Makinda from Tanzania was elected Chairperson while Galley Mkombo from Zambia is the new treasurer.

In an interview with Nyasa Times, Njobvuyalema said he is humbled for being elected as vice chairperson.

“To Malawi is a great achievement because it’s the first to have a Malawian Member of Parliament to attain such a senior  position,” he said.

Njobvuyalema noted that  SADC Parliament was facing a number of administrative challenges, including structural, economic and strategic.

The SADC Parliament is made up of parliaments from members countries, which are Tanzania, Malawi, Namibia, Botswana, Zambia, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Mozambique, Mauritius, Seychelles, Angola, Swaziland, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Lesotho.

The SADC Parliamentary Forum was officially closed on Sunday.

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10 years ago

AChakwera muli ndi anthu mnyumba yamalamulo, anjovu alipompo, komaso akamuna awa akukasungu achipatala chaCANCER aja. Mpaka pano boma lilibe mau, yewo CHAKWERA and team.

10 years ago

Ife timafuna anakavotela a patricia kainga nangozo a ku zomba central osati a. njovu tiyese amayinso. Poti zachitika we will suport him ife a pp

10 years ago

Good boy Hon Njobvuyalema, Wishing you all the best, continue to be loyal to MCP & its Leadership, Bravol Mcp! Bravo Lilongwe mapuyu south MP! Kumeneko ndiye kubwera wolemekezeka!

10 years ago

iwe namba 21 ukuti njobvu simuthu wamba koma mndani? kumangokweza zilizonse mumtengo, iweyonso simuthu wamba inenso simunthu wamba

Concerned citizen
10 years ago

Congratulations. You have made us proud.

Please ensure knowledge transfer to our parliament.

Chabwera Phiri
Chabwera Phiri
10 years ago

Congratulations Honorable Njobvu.

10 years ago


Momo sam
10 years ago

Malawians learn to say ‘CONGLATULATIONS’and i thnk he deserve the post,am not an MCP fan but most of their MPs are amazing look for example hon.lunguzi,dr.elias chakwera,njobvu,jumbe,chankhwatha,sam kawale,they are amazing in the assembry,jelasi dauni ma man.

Munthu wa Mulungu
Munthu wa Mulungu
10 years ago

Chala cha Mulungu chikakuloza sizisowa. Congrants, Bwana.

10 years ago

Njubvu simunthuwamba

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