ACB czar bemoans lack of adequate prosecutors, affecting corruption fight

Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB)  director general Reyneck Matmeba has said  the graft-busting body is  understaffed with only 9 prosecutors handling 3 000  dockets  thereby affecting the conclusion of cases.

Matemba: I help in prosecuting cases

Matemba said in an interview with Nyasa Times that  he works under immense pressure due to heavy workload at the graft busting body.

“We only have 9 prosecutors, against a caseload of over 3000 cases. That’s why I also take part in prosecuting cases. In fact I am one of the few, if not the only head of an anti-corruption agency in Commonwealth that goes to court to prosecute cases, my fellow heads always ask me why I do that, but I have no option but to do it,”  said Matemba

Matemba said outsourcing private  legal services is also cumbersome due to cost attachments.

“Yes, sometimes we can source out to private practicing lawyers the prosecution of our cases, but financial constraints limit us,” said Matemba.

ACB has also only 22 investigators to probe complaints on corrupt acts which they receive daily.

Apart from  heavy workload and public expectations, Matemba said they were also erratic funding.

Matemba said they have to use personal money to finance investigation and prosecution of cases.

ACB had  about 119 employees instead of the required 244.

The bureau has been criticised for the slow pace with which it handles various cases.

But despite inadequate funding ACB has successfully defended and prosecuted a number of cases.

For example last year ACB successfully defended a high profile K69 billion civil claim by the DPP Secretary General, Grezelder Jeffrey. And ACB has also managed to secure over 17 cashgate convictions.

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5 years ago

Mr Matemba, why do we have to listen always to your excuses? You are a highly paid leader of this office and we expect from you output and not crying like a young boy, whose friend have stolen him his pocket money!
Damn it, increase your effectiveness or productivity by 50% and you can do it, instead of holding justification speeches in front of journalists!

5 years ago

Much as we appreciate your challenges but lets consider cases dragging For 7 yrs and no single court appearance. PPLEASE ABALE

5 years ago

Don’t go for quantity but quality, a bove all, the government that you shied is the same that is suffocating you, so please be independent you will see more donors coming in to assist

Kumzy kumzy
Kumzy kumzy
5 years ago

Lame excuse. Anakesa,kulemba anthu

The Insurgent
5 years ago

I heard similar stories last year. I am sure I will hear same stories next year!

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