ACB vows to arrest all corrupt barons without mercy: Takes on Malawi police over Njaunju murder case

The Anti-corruption bureau (ACB) has said people who plundered public funds will be arrested without mercy, saying the graft-busting body is not involved in any witch-hunting and they will not do selective prosecution as looters in the immediate past Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) regime  will face the law as well as those who do so in the Tonse Alliance administration.

Matemba:  No mercy 

ACB director general Reyneck Matemba speaking on  Zodiak Broadcasting Station’s Tiuzeni Zoona programme, warned that there will be a crackdown on corrupt  officers with arrests starting this week.

“We have a law which we follow whn carrying our duties. If someone broke the law, stealing public money and property, they should not expect that the ACB, Police or Financial Intelligence Authority or MRA will spare them because they are politicians. We won’t,” Matemba warned.

Matemba expressed gratitude to the new government and Malawians in general for their massive support and interest in fighting corruption by giving them tips.

He said the bureau has completed investigating 11 of the 13 previous cashgate files.

Matemba said the transactions for the two remaining files were not carried out locally therefore ACB investigators need to go to such countries where they can source evidence.

He has since called for enough and timely funding to ensure smooth running of ACB affairs.

Meanwhile, Matemba asked the Malawi Police Service (MPS) to break the silence and tell Malawians their findings concerning the brutal murder of one of  graft –busting body’s senior officials Issa Njaunju.

Njaunju was killed in July 2015 and his death was related to political matters.

Matemba admitted that his office has been receiving alot of complaints and pressure from the general public over delays in completing Njaunju’s case investigations.

But Matemba said ACB doesn’t have the mandate to investigate murder cases but rather corruption and fraud charges.

“It is the responsibility of Malawi Police Service to to find out who killed Mr. Njaunju, why was he killed and where was he killed. Those who killed Njaunju need to be brought to book and face the law,” said Matemba.

Matemba said Malawians should expect a  robust  corruption fight.

“I have worked at the bureau for seven years and have worked with many people, but one thing I can say is that it is now clear that government [of President Lazarus Chakwera] is interested in ensuring that we work independently,” he said.

“Even President Chakwera has emphasised that in his speeches. The message from the top offer encouragement.”

But Matemba decried that they bureau lacks resources and that officers  have in some circumstances been using their own money for investigations, citing the judges bribery case as an example.

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Super Duper
Super Duper
4 years ago

Go get them wherever they are and arrest their corrupt asses. Put them in prison and recover some or most of the plundered wealth and resources from them. These DPP thieves must pay. Let them be arrested and shown the dungeon. They ain’t worth shit to sympathize with. They thought they have impunity but they were wrong. Arrest these political thieves who had selfishly cheated and pathetically intimidated Malawians with their temporary power. Arrest them and imprison them mercilessly. Criminal fools. Corrupt fools. Keep their wives to yourselves. They never saw this coming!!!!!!!!

4 years ago

You are busy arresting DPP folks while real corrupt Indians just roam the streets. Come on now, ACB show us ur teeth.

4 years ago
Reply to  Wawa

help with the evidence not just criticising on social media…

4 years ago
Reply to  Nalikuti

They already have evidence. What else do u want? Time for action now not lip service.

4 years ago

You have been at ACB for 7 years, how many cases have u concluded so far? Has anyone been convicted for corruption? We still see big fishes swimming in town like no crime was ever committed. Joyce Banda , Sosten Gwengwe and their team openly boast that nothing will ever happen to them for as long as Matemba is in office.

F. B.
F. B.
4 years ago



4 years ago

Iwe galu Matemba, can you tell us where our presidential jet is? Or if it was sold, can you tell us what the money was used for or where the money is? Can you also tell us where Peter Mulamba of Admarc is? Can you also please arrest Humphreys Mvula for plundering the Stagecoach/Shire bus line making it to close? Wachepa iwe Matemba uphulika uwona.

4 years ago
Reply to  Nyusesi

Sounds like you are afraid of the truth coming out, hence the barrage of insults. Matemba has made it very clear that now the environment is conducive for successful investigations and the political will is there for justice to flow. Your suggested cases are welcome and if you have more information go and present to relevant authorities so you can get justice as well. Osamangotukwana, you come across as though you want the status quo of corruption to continue. Be a solution and not a problem, unless you are guilty of something as well.

Malawi belong to the citizens

ACB has enough teeth to bite mbava and murderers, Chakwera and Chilima please give more money to ACB to catch omwe adapha buleya, Njaunje and chasowa please.

4 years ago

Zowophezana ayi wakuba, wakatangale wonse azengedwe mulandu.mukufuna musunge mbava.woba sweet ndi womba galimoto onse ndi akuba basi.osa nyengelera ayiiiiiiii tatopa ndi anthu akuba.kaya ku cabinet kuli akuba azapitanso.let us wait and see.

God is with Us = Emmanuel

When the ACB hands are tired what can the Director do? When the Police has people like Mwapasa, what could they do? When the Auditor General has a cadet what could they do? When Malawi had a zombie as a leader what could happen? Nothing. When we said Muthalika was or is an idiot this is it. He let the like of Rosa Mbilizi free to steal. He left people import cars with stolen money and claimed that the economy was good. This has to be stopped and people have to live within their means. Fuel was being stolen by… Read more »

Super Duper
Super Duper
4 years ago

Arrest these hyenas and lock them up for eternity! Thievery has to end today!

4 years ago

Uchitsiru basi,zikatha zaka zitatu zose izi zikutha.Bwanji sunamange munthu was PP?Ene Sosten Gwengwe adaba ndalama zambirimbiri ndi bwana wawo wakale Joyce Mtila Banda koma kuli zii,nkhani ya Muluzi bwanji sukuikhudza?Nanga Kasambara bwanji?

4 years ago
Reply to  Kumz

Uchitsiru ndiuwu ukuyankhula iwe cadet

4 years ago

Amatemba muzimaliza izi ?????? You need protection my friend !!!!!!

Super Duper
Super Duper
4 years ago
Reply to  psyuta

Amanga zigawenga zonse. Zikakhala ma “homo” ku prison.

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