AFORD SG Chupa outlines party rebuilding roadmap: ‘Chihana to make party better again’
Alliance for Democracy (AFORD) secretary general, Grace Chupa, says the party went through hell prior to its “legal” indaba on May 2, and has since outlined an action party to re-build the party.
Chupa said AFORD president, Enoch Chihana, is determined to make the party “better again” by making sure that all members in the country are reached out to.
She said beginning next month the party will hold regional conferences in all the four regions of the country to meet the party membership at all grassroots level.
“We’ve been derailed by people who wanted to confuse the party. Now that the convention was held we want to focus on rebuilding the party. We will start that by holding regional conferences,” said Chupa.
According to her, after the conferences there will be a national policy forum where the party national organising committee will outline policy direction for the party.
“Again, the aim of the policy forum will be to see what has been wrong in the party and how those wrongs can be corrected,” she said.
But the party CEO was unsure whether the party will be going into an alliance in 2019 polls or will field Chihana as torchbearer.
“That is a technical issue for the party. We will need to sit down and map the way forward on that,” she said.
AFORD has been known for alliances for some time now. In the last fifteen years it has partnered with the United Democratic Front (UDF) and the People’s Party (PP).
Chupa also said that the party will field candidates for parliamentary positions in most constituencies in the country.
“I’ll not lie to Malawians that we will field candidates in all the 193 constituencies, but we will try to make sure we field candidates in those constituencies that we know we know we will carry the day,” said Chupa.
AFORD has been divided into two factions of Chihana and Frank Mwenifumbo both of whom claim to be rightful candidates.
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Mbewa sikatha anona ndi aswiswiri ndithu ndiawa omwe akuti ndi a GS
A court azaumanga Chihana. Group lawo wina ndi la anthu asazindikila malamulo.
Chihana thank you sit down. Your time ended
It is not as simple as Mwenefumbo thinks to be a presedent of aparty