Airtel Malawi paints Mponela red

As part of a campaign to take its services and products closer to the masses, Airtel Malawi on Wednesday, January 25, 2016 opened a new Express Shop at Mponela in Dowa.

The new Airtel Express shop
Kambuzi cuts a ribbon as Nyasulu looks on
Kambuzi interacts with Airtel staff inside the new shop
Airtel staff celebrate the opening by popping the champagne
Ready to serve, Airtel staff take positions in the new shop
 The new Express Shop, according to the company’s customer experience director Sibusiso Nyasulu will serve as a one stop shop for all Airtel services including Airtel Money, internet or data settings, selling of Airtel products and other services offered by Airtel shops across the country.
“Two years ago, we embarked on a  campaign to reach out to the masses with our products and services and this is the 20th shop to be opened since we started that drive.
“Much as people can reach us and get help through the call centre or by just dialing *211#, face to face interations matter because people are able to express thselves. Our air is to serve people better and their lives better,” said Nyasulu.
Chairman of Dowa District Council Councillor Precious Kambuzi hailed Airtel Malawi for reaching out to the people of Dowa.
“People from Dowa were traveling all the way to Lilongwe or Kasungu to access some Airtel services- hence spending a lot of money but now they have the services and products at their door steps.
“With the fast advancing technology, people from Dowa district will also be able to move with the times as they will be able to get assistance from Airtel agents manning the shop,” said Kambuzi, who presided over the opening as guest of honour.
As part of celebrations marking the opening pf the new shop, there were some tradional dances and youth displays.
Customers were also given an opportunity to present the problems they were facing with the company’s services or products.

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Gusto kaliati
Gusto kaliati
8 years ago

Mponela yawala ,keep it up airtel

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