Another University in Malawi to open April: Blantyre Synod Uni’

As the demand for university education is growing in Malawi Blantyre Synod of Church of Central Africa Presbyterian is set to open its university in April.

Rev  Billy Gama: Blantyre Synod University  to be at HHI
Rev Billy Gama: Blantyre Synod University to be at HHI

Rev Dr Billy Gama, who is leading the team said the university missed to open in January as planned.

But he is optimistic that it has structures and other requirements to convince government to give them the requisite mandate to start offering university education.

Rev Gama said the institution would start offering education in the faculty of commerce and faculty of theology.

He said the university would be established within the monumental Blantyre Mission premises where iconic Henry Henderson Institute (HHI) Primary and Secondary School is.

Rev Gama said HHI has allocated enough buildings to accommodate the school of higher learning

“As a Pastor I have faith and hope that the university will open in April. Off course we are ready to satisfy inspectors,” Rev Gama said.

He said the faculty of commerce would offer bachelor’s degree in marketing and bachelor’s degree in business administration.

While the faculty of  theology would offer post graduate programs.

“We will be offering post graduate studies in theology because we have Zomba Theological College which offers undergraduate programs. We want those that have finished their studies at Zomba Theological College to come and upgrade here,” he said.

Plans to establish the university comes amid financial woes affecting the Zomba Theological College threatening its future.

HHI Secondary School has also run by the synod has lost its pedigree as one of the country’s top secondary schools based on its performance due to among other reasons financial problems.

Blantyre Synod would follow its sister synod Livingstonia Synod in establishing a school of higher education.

Livingstonia Synod University was established over 10 years ago and has managed to become one of the reputable private universities in the country attracting some of the high profile lecturers from government universities to teach there.

Former University of Malawi Vice-Chancellor Professor David Rubadiri is part of the management team.

Nkhoma Synod of in Malawi’s Central Region is also intending to open a university soon.

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9 years ago

But u need to look at ur finances properly otherwise GOD will punish us

9 years ago

If Livingstonia, Nkhoma and Blantyre Synods were one church, as the Catholic church is, they could have come up with one vibrant and mega university. Unfortunately, the synods compete against each other. In fact, they hate each other. They look down upon each other. Most of the bad and negative comments to the synods are said by members of rival synods. Some of us are looking up to the day when the CCAP church in Malawi will become ONE church without these three regional blocks. These three synods have, over the past decades, enhanced regionalism, tribalism and nepotism. Cold war… Read more »

Linia Believer
Linia Believer
9 years ago
Reply to  Guantanamo

Very correct @15. Since Livingstonia University opened 10 years ago, Nkhoma and Blantyre should have joined the exixting sister university.

On negative comments and insults, have you not noted that each time the press carries a story about Livinstonia, ugly comments follow and most of those are ethnic insults directed at everyone from the north; regrdless of their faith grouping. On the other hand, negative stories about the other two synods never attract tribal comments. Reason; Livingstonia and indeed people from the north are above such savegery and primitive thinking and behaviour.

Student wakonko
Student wakonko
9 years ago

Nkhoma Synod University opened its doors in Aug 2014. Nyasa plse read widely you will notice the presence of NKHUNI. At the HQRS of Chilongosoko.

9 years ago

Livingstonia ‘university’ offers the most substandard degrees in Malawi, even Skyway beats you on education quality

Rachel Mazombwe Zulu
Rachel Mazombwe Zulu
9 years ago

Billy Gama bwinotu bwino ndi ana asukulu kumeneko. Paja akulu inu kukonda kusoka heavy.

Gogo Ntela
Gogo Ntela
9 years ago

Livingstonia Synod and the Mighty Northern Region will always be in the lead.

You can imagine after 10 YEARS of service that is when some people somewhere are intending to open theirs.

Ndiye nkumati tifanane……….pano as Livingstonia, we are targeting the expansion and the award of Masters and PhDs……ndiye mutipeza?

9 years ago

Business Administration or Commerce or Accounting are degrees for consumers and not producers. These private universities are just producing and promoting Cashgaters,their graduates will just be good at cooking books to syphone money from the public and private sector. Malawi needs several polytechnics and technological universities to offer faculties in Chemical engineering,Biomedical engineering, Mathematical sciences, Architecture, Mechatronics, Computer and electrical engineering, Aeronautical engineering,Actuarial science, Industrial chemistry, Nuclear physics, Data science, Chemical engineering, Pharmacy,Biological sciences and Biochemistry, Physical and Occupational therapy, Mining engineering ,Petroleum engineering, Geological sciences, and Medical sciences. That is the way to go in order to reach advancement… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Bibo

Bibo has just added his or her name to the list of EF (educated fools). How do you expect to develop as a country without the role of business professionals. If you undermine the role of businessmen then you should not applaud entrepreneurship. One can not be a successful entrepreneur if he or she lacks basic principles of business management.

9 years ago
Reply to  Bibo

Before you undermine business n commerce, first of all come to understand their meanings and the role they play in boosting the national economy. Remember common sense is free.

At last we start thinking
At last we start thinking
9 years ago

Good move too little too late though. We need more technical colleges to supplement what we are lacking in the country. Blantyre Synod you collect more resources than Nkhoma and Livingstonia Synods but your giving back to communities is the least felt at least from what we see.

9 years ago

For pity’s sake Malawians how many useless universities are you going to have?What is happening to that country? This is not promoting education but pure greed! The degrees from these institutions will not be worth the paper it will be written on. Poor Malawi!

9 years ago

Missionaries came to preach but stayed to teach. My PhD thesis title on Philosophy of Missionaries in Nyasaland

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