Anti-Martha Chizuma protests which were expected to take place today, Friday, have been put on hold until next week to allow for a presidential function in Lilongwe, organisers have said.
Martha Chizuma: Pheee unshaken by Amos Gumulira, AFP
A group of concerned citizens was planning to hold the Anti-Martha Chizuma demonstrations in Lilongwe today.
The grouping trading under the banner ‘𝙢𝙯𝙞𝙠𝙖 𝙯𝙤𝙠𝙝𝙪𝙙𝙯𝙞𝙙𝙬𝙖’ want ACB Director Martha Chizuma fired with immediate effect for violating her oath of office in the leaked telephone conversation.
Billy Malata, one of the organizers said they have postponed the demos as the City is busy today with the President’s engagements.
“Yesterday, we had a meeting with the Lilongwe District Council and the Malawi Police was also present, so considering the President’s trip to Luanar, we agreed that we move the demos to next week. This has been done for security reasons.” Said Malata.
He emphasized that the demos have not been cancelled as they are planning to hold the demos next week Monday.
The group was today planning to present their petition at Parliament through Public Appointments Committee (PAC) and another petition to the office of the President to remove Chizuma.
There is some one behind you who has done more corrupt practices and he is not happy with chizuma. He does not have peace thinking that any time he will appear before the court. He is using you instead.
Leave Chizuma alone, only thieves can organize anti Chizuma demonsMina
2 years ago
This lady is threat unscrupulous , manipulative people whose way of life is plunder .
2 years ago
Corruption is fighting back.
President Mkango Chisokonezo Manthakanjenjemereza
2 years ago
While beiing the admire of Maertha Chizumas approach, I think the demonstrators are right. One, the oath was taken and broken. And the law about the breaking the oath is clear imprisonment for two year and mk 50000 fine. Admirer of Chizuma are caliing the head of the perpetrator of the audio. BUT the guy was no under oath mind you? It was Chizuma who was to sho professional characteristics here. How can the head of law enforcement agancy break the law and cpntinue to head the institution. For coruuption fight out of 18 million peple let another be chosen… Read more »
Clueless management of the demos
Let the devil twist your necks
James Chimbiya
2 years ago
In my personal view, there is another hidden agenda fueling these protests. If it was all about disciplining Martha, we would rather allow institutional procedures take course especially considering that the case in question i is not a severe one. Martha can undergo a disciplinary hearing and be given a warning if found guilty but the level this is going mmmmmmm I can smell doom.
Someone wants to palarise ACB by taking Martha out of the picture.
John Mzinguwalira
2 years ago
Amene akukutumaniyo akukunamizani Martha anasankhidwa ndife anthu obvutika amene sitidya zopatsidwa ndi Sattar etc.
2 years ago
Surely these guys have nothing better to do?
2 years ago
The real Malawians i mean those who love this country can never be involved in this nonsense so called demonstration because Martha is the only weapon we have to clear corrupt culprits. For this help us God
There is some one behind you who has done more corrupt practices and he is not happy with chizuma. He does not have peace thinking that any time he will appear before the court. He is using you instead.
Leave Chizuma alone, only thieves can organize anti Chizuma demonsMina
This lady is threat unscrupulous , manipulative people whose way of life is plunder .
Corruption is fighting back.
While beiing the admire of Maertha Chizumas approach, I think the demonstrators are right. One, the oath was taken and broken. And the law about the breaking the oath is clear imprisonment for two year and mk 50000 fine. Admirer of Chizuma are caliing the head of the perpetrator of the audio. BUT the guy was no under oath mind you? It was Chizuma who was to sho professional characteristics here. How can the head of law enforcement agancy break the law and cpntinue to head the institution. For coruuption fight out of 18 million peple let another be chosen… Read more »
Useless demonstration
Clueless management of the demos
Let the devil twist your necks
In my personal view, there is another hidden agenda fueling these protests. If it was all about disciplining Martha, we would rather allow institutional procedures take course especially considering that the case in question i is not a severe one. Martha can undergo a disciplinary hearing and be given a warning if found guilty but the level this is going mmmmmmm I can smell doom.
Someone wants to palarise ACB by taking Martha out of the picture.
Amene akukutumaniyo akukunamizani Martha anasankhidwa ndife anthu obvutika amene sitidya zopatsidwa ndi Sattar etc.
Surely these guys have nothing better to do?
The real Malawians i mean those who love this country can never be involved in this nonsense so called demonstration because Martha is the only weapon we have to clear corrupt culprits. For this help us God