APM calls on Malawians to pray for the safety of the missing Chilima and nine others

Former president Aand leader of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Peter Mutharika, says he abd his wife Getrude are “profoundly concerned by the events of the last hours. We join all Malawians in prayer for the safety of the Vice President, Rt Hon Saulos Klaus Chilima as well as the crew and other passengers on the missing flight.”

Mutharika welcomed by Vice President Chilima at Lilongwe Auction Floors

Writing on his Facebook page, Mutharika added:

“As we hold steadfast in prayer, may we reflect on the following words of comfort from the Scriptures. The 33rd Psalm, verses 20 to 22:

“So our hope is in the Lord. He is our help, our shield to protect us. We rejoice in Him, because we trust His Holy Name. Lord, show Your love to us as we put our hope in You.”

Mutharika’s sentiments echoes the Chakwera call during the Monday night address where he said come what may, ‘I assure you that God is with us and will see us through this dark tunnel, especially if we stick together and help each other.’




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