Apostle Ziba storms Lilongwe with success summit

It’s happening again. The Fountain of Victory International is holding yet another crusade dubbed success summit in the capital Lilongwe.

Apostle Ziba

Bishop Medram Chirwa confirmed to Nyasa Times that the Summit will take place on 17-18 June, 2017 at Crossroads Hotel.

“Yes its true we will be holding the success summit in June this year, the main focus of this year’s event is to ensure that we look at the life of an individual as a whole as you are aware that Fountain of Victory had similar summit last year which focused on financial break through and I can assure you that a lot of people gained from the summit but this year we are looking at a complete life of an individuals,” said Bishop Chirwa.

Bishop Chirwa asked individuals to come to the summit and experience change in their lives.

“I am personally extending my invitation to each and every individual to come and attend the summit am assuring you that your life will never be the same,” said Bishop Chirwa.

Chair of the organizing committee, Mwelura Fortune Harawa said Fountain of Victory Praise Team will bless the congregants with soul touching music.

Harawa said individuals will not pay anything on the door.

The summit is free and people can register on www.fovevents.com

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7 years ago

…..this is a must attend event. Isn’t it wonderful to hear what GOD says about success and be imparted with the grace for progress? http://www.fovevents.com

Kisa Kumwenda
Kisa Kumwenda
7 years ago

I can’t wait….. Here comes success.

Meijer Sichali
Meijer Sichali
7 years ago

It’s a must attend meeting, I have already booked my sit and my family

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