Area 25 women imprisoned for six years
The Lilongwe Senior Resident Magistrate’s Court has slapped three women convicted of causing grievous bodily harm and assaulting a fellow woman in Area 25 C in Lilongwe with with 6 years jail terms.

Senior Resident Magistrate Shyreen Yona slappped the convicts with jail sentences on Thursday.
The convicts are 27 year-old Thokozani Msiska from Enukweni, Traditional Authority Mtwalo in Mzimba; Zelifa Phiri 27, from Setha village, Traditional Authority Zulu in Mchinji and 40 year-old Rodness Chisale feom Gonthi village, Traditional Authority Kamenyagwaza in Dedza.
They were arrested mid last month following a video clip that went viral on social media showing the women, among others, assaulting their fellow woman, identified as Anne Gawaza.
The video clip is alleged to have been shot at some brothel in Area 25C in the capital city.
They were consequently taken to court where they have been answering two counts of committing an act intended to cause grievous bodily harm and insulting the modesty of a woman contrary to Sections 235 and 137 of the Penal Code, respectively.
Initially, they were found guilty and convicted by the Nkukula Second Magistrate’s Court in Lumbadzi before transferring the case to Lilongwe Magistrate’s Court for sentencing.
‘’The seriousness of the offence, the circumstances in which the offence was committed as well the impact of the assault on life of the victim forced the court to provide a custodial sentence,” the Magistrate Yona said
Yona said the matter is also of public interest and it is coming at a time when the nation is fighting against gender-based violence.
She also said the court has proved that the convicts are capable of endangering the life of a person considering the manner in which the offence was committed.
“The convicts depicted the level of preparedness on how to execute the offence. The convicts had been assaulting the victim from 9am to 5 pm to the extent that the victim passed out. They also demanded money and went further to confiscate property of the victim,” she said
On the first count, Justice Yona sentenced the women to six years imprisonment with hard and the offence of insulting the modesty of a woman has earned them four months imprisonment with hard Labour.
The sentences will run concurrently.
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Bad choices in life leads to suffering. Repent & find the grace of The Lord. It’s yamenya or reflection now.
Eeeeeee kunena zoona azimai oipa awa….mzao kuyesesa kuwapepesa kuchokela pansi pa mtima koma osamumvesesa?inenso ndi wamsanje koma apa sindingafikepo.msanje ndi umbuli ndi uhule= ufiti….uku akuchita kusekelela
Kanengo area 25C anapondako ndi mapazi, ichi 25c ichi 25c ndiye mwatchukatu.
Azimayi musiye kumenya zibwenzi zathu. Zikomo a police, zikomo ma judges kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Malawi judges, MK5.2 billion stealing government money they charge 3 years. Beating somebody who was having an affair with your wife or husband leaving you at risk of catching HIV, you charge 6 years. The fight against HIV and Corruption will not succeed with such rulings. Chisembwele ndi amuna kapena akazi ayeni chikula because people will have backing that one you are beaten the owner of wife/husband akaseweza manje kundende. Shame to our judges!
you did not follow the story did you? Get your facts right before you comment. These women actually beat up the wife of the husband they were having an affair with. The wife!!!!!!!
They filmed her buya in the process of assualting this lady, isnt filming her buya for public enjoyment more than that K5 billion you are talking about? If she was your sister could you comment like that? If you are concerned then you should be asking the government to have ARVs ready for this lady in prison.Think twice man!
If u kud show that K5 billion to these women they will be filming their buya for public consumption like no-one. I think 5 billion has more value than the buya
Well done our judges. Malawi needs to teach these women full 9f evil spirits. Simumwanso mowa pa adventure club in area 25. Other women who are too possessive of their husbands take note of this judgement
Pepani Azimayi … mukanakhale naye YESU mumtima mwanu I think this could not have happened .. my advice to you young ladies recieve JESUS CHRIST as your LORD and personal SAVIOUR (confess your SINS & repent) … and let him start controlling your entire life … I tell you from today JESUS will start working wonders and miracles into your lives and within a short period of time you shall be set free from prisom. JESUS IS LORD.
A Jamx, izi zikungwirizana bwanji ndi Yesu?
Ian at your age you must know that there is God in heaven the Father of our Lord and Saviour JESUS CHRIST … he is the founder of LOVE and he himself is LOVE. What I meant is this if these Ladies had recieved Jesus Christ as their Personal Saviour they could not have been in such a situation,. Our day to day life is connected to God if you are not then you are connected to Satan the Leader of all Evil……Jesus forgave us all our SINS and he God through his SON Jesus gave us eternal life. Now… Read more »
Ridiculous… these judges dnt know what they are doing… 4 to 8 months is more than adequate to teach them a lesson… someone needs to bring them back to earth and knock some sense into them…
They need to appeal this sentence.
Let them appeal and they they will get 14 years
Mmm Chilango chachepa ichi makosana… 6 years we all know its three years nde zinyengo zili paliponsezi hmm too soon wu be seeing them back in the streets.