Atupele campaigns at Jenda: Condemns violence, says Malawi govt abolished quota system 

President Peter Mutharika’s running mate in the court sanctioned presidential election, Atupele Muluzi on Saturday morning took  the DPP-UDF alliance campaign to Jenda trading centre in Mzimba where he has bemoaned continued acts of political violence perpetrated by youths.

Atupele on his stop at Jenda, addresses the people
People at Jenda listening to Atupele

He condemned those involved in perpetuating political violence, saying political leaders are free to engage the electorate every corner of the country and  that the  barbaric behaviour of stopping others to address rallies cannot be tolerated in a democratic dispensation.

“The youth should avoid being radicalised to commit political violence because when the law catches up with you, only yourself will suffer while your bosses live in comfort,” he said flanked by  DPP treasurer general Jappie Mhango.

He urged leaders of different political parties to take responsibility for their supporters and ensure that whoever instigates violence should face disciplinary action.

The DPP-UDF alliance running said political violence breeds political instability and should not be allowed.

Atupele himself was a victim of political violence last weke Saturday when irate Mponela residents in Dowa burnt tyres on the road, blocking his whistle stop tour to Kasungu en-route to the Northern Region.

The country last week also witnessed attacks on Tonse Alliance members in Liwonde and Phalombe where some private media personnel covering the campaign trail were injured after their vehicle was smashed.

And  on Friday State Vice-President and Tonse Alliance running mate Saulos Chilima was  forced to call off his scheduled whistle-stop tours in Machinga, where Atupele comes from.

In his speech, Atupele said freedom fighters like pro-democrcay hero late Thom Chakufwa Chihana did not use violence in their quest to liberate Malawi.

He stressed his appeal to the youth to refrain from  being used by politicians to cause havoc.

Atupele also  described as pure theft the K9.7 billion lawyers for the opposition political parties in the election case are demanding as legal fees in the election case.

He said the opposition leaders; Lazarus Chakwera and Saulos Chilima should  pay the legal fees from their pockets as the show of the love of their country.

“It is immoral to demand such a huge amount of money from the public purse when the government has a lot of services to provide to the poor people,” he said.

He also told the people that the DPP/UDF led government would still construct Mombera University in Mzimba.

“It took eight years to construct Chancellor College. We cannot therefore expect that Mombera could be completed in a year,” he said.

Atupele also said the DPP government abolished the education quota s of selecting students into public universities which was a thorny issue in the North.

He said quota system was  abolished to give chance to deserving students who fail to access tertiary education because of the system.

The DPP-UDF alliance running mate will hold a rally at Mzimba boma and the Tonse Alliance team in the north, led by CFT Commander in Chief Timothy Mtambo was also supposed to hold  a meeting at the same venue.

The CFT rally has since been shifted to Sunday, June 7 2020.

“The change has been preferred after DPP/UDF alliance deliberately planned to have a similar event at the same venue despite being made aware that CFT and Tonse Alliance partners had already booked the venue,” Mtambo said.

Instead, Mtambo said the CFT and Tonse Alliance partners will hold a series of adhoc whistle Stop rallies in Mzuzu City.

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Coronavirus Alamu Pumani Mwakalamba

Atupele is one of the most stupid people to live and do politics. He questions K9.7 billion legal fees as theft. I thought this mwana wa mbava Bakili was with Leston Mulli? Why did he not ask Mulli about the K11 billion he stole just recently with the help of Kalekeni Kaphale? You think people of the north are stupid to take you seriously? We don’t like your udf and to make matters worse you are teaming up with dpp. What would happen in the jungle if hyenas and wild dogs team up? Can innocent herbivores survive? Even lions would… Read more »

Fake Petros
Fake Petros
4 years ago

Ndiwopepela uyu inu! An imposter trying hard to be a man on his own. Bwezi ndi tenant uyu wa fodya chipanda facilitated (taxed-payed) education ku UK koma alibenso ndi certificate to practice law.
Bwezi ali tetant wa fodya kwa Jenda, ku Mbalachanda komweko chipanda SPOON FEEDING and KUMAVEKEDWA THEWERA as a post-infant adult.

4 years ago

Mwana wanjoka iwe.

4 years ago

This boy is still barking about the amount of money that the courts ordered to be paid to UTMCP lawyers, he wants to seem as though he cares about Malawi money. What he is not saying though is whether MEC commissioners due to their senseless appeals and hiring of RSA lawyers who did not do any work, should pay through their pockets. In fact if it had not been for MEC through their greed trying to impose a president onto the people of Malawi, all this could have been avoided. So if Atupele takes his head out of his arse… Read more »

4 years ago

Uyumwana amanena zomveka
Osati mbuzi Saulosi Chilima
Ndiye akuti Malema style
Koma Jacob Zuma mmene anamugululila mano Malema
Musamamutsatile Chilima ena omwe
Mulindi nzelunu

Moto Buuuuuuuu1
Moto Buuuuuuuu1
4 years ago

Koma Speech ya SKC ku Gymkhana Club munayimvela?????, moto kuti buuuuuuuu !!!! UTMCP moto!!!!!

4 years ago

kutengeka, this is why anthu mumangolowa matchalitchi osadziwika. This same man who was talking about his mother. Commanded police to shoot an innocent woman and a boy.Someones mother and son. muzitolere. lets hold our leaders accountable.

Fake Petros
Fake Petros
4 years ago
Reply to  Bauleni

Sanalakwe kumuombela, sanamuphe. That was targeted shooting not to kill him but to injure him in order to scare thugs who could have put the life of people on the convoy on danger. DPP a party of thugs kuika ma log azimitengo across the road, pelting stones at convoys- this can cause serious accidents.
Winayu akuona ngati anthu aku mpto ndi opepela ngati iye- he has been part of the same government since 2014 akanene za quota system lero. Manifesto ikhale Imedi anali msilamu ngati ine? This is beyond moronic

The Defender!
The Defender!
4 years ago
Reply to  Bauleni

Mbuli iwe bauleni choka, iwe ufuna ifeso tikhale a DPP like you? Mamina! Yankhani funso wafunsalo, koma Speech ya Chilima mwaivela kapena mwayionela? Chimutu nanga ntchentchee ya kuchimbudzi.

4 years ago

Why are you campaigning anyway when your master says he does not want elections? He bought you so he could reduce opposition in parliament. Can’t you see that he has left the job of campaigning for you because he does not want elections? You are in the alliance just to increase his majority in parliament so he could try to reverse the ruling of the court about the elections. He does not really believe you will help him amass the votes he needs to continue ruling.

Malawi belong to the citizens

But why quota system was introduced.For more than ten years mwalanga ana akumpoto.This time 50+1% yavuta.Mwati tichotse quota system.Dpp ndi chipani cha zifwamba.How can you kill an opportunity for a child from north without reasons.Amene angakuvotereni ndi wozungulira Mitu ndithu.We know Kut quota system yidzatha ndi Tonse alliance,osati DPP and UDF alliance no.Ana akumpoto amalimbikira school from standard 0ne.Ana kufika STD 8 kulemba mayeso, kwadula kuchulukitsa akumwera, Chauta akulangeni anthu inu.Omwe adutsa STD 8 kukayamba secondary school amadulidwanso pa MSCE,munkatumiza ana ambiri akumwera one country imeneyo.

Kambewa Chisale
4 years ago

Mbuyanu Just laid A stone down at Mombera and did nothing. Utungulu iwe ndiwe waboza

Kambewa Chisale
4 years ago

Bakili Muluzi Failed to abolish Quota System and iwe Mwana whom do you want to cheat

4 years ago

Kkkkkkkkkk.Who is architecture of violence.
Two weeks to go

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