Atupele Muluzi mourns the death of his grand mother Masula
Minister of Lands, Housing and Urban Development Atupele Muluzi has suffered a heavy loss as his grandmother, Chidzira Masula of Lilongwe who helped raise him, has died.
Muluzi, who is also president of United Democratic Front (UDF), said he was greatly devastated with death chief Masula, a mother to former Firay Lady Annie Muluzi.
“She’s been the rock of my family,” said Atupele.
Gogo Chidzira Masula died at Dyang Private hospital In Lilongwe on the early hours of Saturday.
Burial will take place at Msinja Headquarters in Lilongwe on Tuesday, 7 June 2016
Let’s learn to respect one another.politics aside.that’s not fare.anafa ambuyakowo coz samalimbikira kulima shatapu ZANU.may the soul of agogo rest in piece.
Ifenso tikukira Muhammed Ali
That’s sad. pepani mwafwa tafwa.
On the other hand, anzathu nu muli ndi mwayi mwakula ngati azungu, azigogo wanu, makola wanu adali adakalipobe ife wathu anapita kale kale kamb ka njala ndi umphawi zodza ni UDF.