Be Forward donates K1.2m to help Malawi flood victims

In a unique display of practical appeal and engagement skills; Malawi ambassador to Japan, Major General Reuben Ngwenya seems to be on top of the game if the donations he is securing and sending to Malawi to help the flood victims are anything to go by.

Ngwenya recieving the donaton from Be Forward manager Mr Takahiro Suemori.
Ngwenya recieving the donaton from Be Forward manager Mr Takahiro Suemori.
Ngwenya with Be Forward officials
Ngwenya with Be Forward officials

Recently, Ngwenya made a passionate appeal to the government of Japan and an emergency disaster relief aid of K74 million was released by the government of Japan while thinly revealing that a cool K1.2 billion will also be on its way to Malawi once it gets the nod of the country’s national assembly.

The ambassador had also appealed and engaged the Mayor and Chairperson of Minato City Assembly in Japan who had also responded instantly by donating K3.7 million with Ngwenya assuring his fellow countrymen —especially the flood victims—that there is more aid coming from the ‘friendly and caring’ people of Japan.

And true to his word, Ngwenya has announced that he has received a donation of K1.2 million from the General Manager  Takahiro Suemori, who presented on behalf of the President of Be Forward, a leading Japanese car exporter.

In Malawi, Be Forward is also sponsoring one of the country’s football power houses, Mighty Wanderers FC as part of its corporate responsibility. This company also gives business to Malawi media including leading onlines new site Nyasa Times  as they advertise their products on some of these platforms to reach Malawian audience who like buying cars from them.

“I am pleased to inform you, Sir, that Be Forward Company has donated K1.2 million Kwacha (Yen 300,000) to the Government of Malawi for the disaster victims.

“This donation was in response to the plea that the Embassy made last week following your good guidance,” in part reads the Ambassador’s diplomatic memo notifying Lilongwe of the development; adding that “the funds have been transferred by Be Forward into the Disaster Management Foreign Account FDH Bank 8600000018078 as per attached invoice.”

And speaking after the donation, Suemori said that they have always known Malawi as “a peaceful country with ever smiling people.”

“The disaster came as shock news and this contribution is, therefore, meant to help the suffering citizens,” said Suemori.

Malawi experienced heavy rains which continued for two weeks thereby causing devastating floods that engulfed most districts in the southern part of Malawi leaving dozens of people dead,

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Matongo Phiri
Matongo Phiri
9 years ago

I think a Malawi yachuluka ndi nsanje….any donations made is important and will help. Amene mkuti he is seeking favours well it could be but the guy is just doing his job. We often complain kuti our ambassadors and diplomats drink beer basi but now someone is doing his job right, mkuti he wants favours. He secured doantions for 10 dialysis machines that are at our central hopsitals..these dont come cheap! He secured fire engines,,,they aint cheap what is your problem guys? Has Ngwenya stolen public money? NO. Has he committed a crime? NO. What is your problem you… Read more »

Mmtumbuka opusa
Mmtumbuka opusa
9 years ago

ngwenya has shares in BE-FORWARD MALAWI . He is the agent director for Malawi , an office headed by his son at the moment. He is crafty and clever for nothing

9 years ago

Achimwene kambani zina munthu uyu akugwira ntchito bwino makamaka nrhawi ino ya ngozii. Chotsani sanje mmaganizo anu

Citizen 'O'
Citizen 'O'
9 years ago

Tisanamizane apa, 1.2 million ndi ndalama yochepa heavy. Its what we Malawians pay to purchase a Nissan March from the Be-forward guys. Apa sindikuonapo any sense of corporate social responsibility on part of Be-forward. The money is just too little and not worthy writing about. Chabwino paja they say chithandizo sichichepa.

9 years ago

They should support, because we buy many cars from them than we do with other car dealars, look how many cars we drive from Japan and how many from other parts of the world.

9 years ago

How much of this aid will get to the people who need it? UN calculate 10% at maximum gets down to where is needed the rest is eaten along the way.

Nyakwawa Matemba
Nyakwawa Matemba
9 years ago

To me this Ngwenya guy seems to be doing a good job. In as far as I know, any sensible person cant hide a good thing he/she has done. Look at this: “This donation was in response to the plea that the embassy made last week…..” clearly showing that it is the Ambassadors efforts despite Malawi government launching the campaign to solicit funds. If I may ask, what appeal have the other ambassadors or even you disgruntled folks calling your selves Kazembe wopuma/ ku Embass kumakoma made resulting to such results as we are seeing from Ngwenya? They are just… Read more »

9 years ago

As quoted on this very same forum someone donated condensed milk to flood victims thru BEAM Trust and wanted to b acknowledged that it was him and not the ones who were handing over the items, and he was told that he was looking for favors from government! Look here Nyakwawa Matemba, the government sent an SOS to everyone, yet when the British government assisted nobody stood on an anthill to boast that it was him/her but when the Japanese Government pledged K1.4bn to Malawi the way the news came was as if it was the Malawi Envoy who went… Read more »

Nyakwawa Matemba
Nyakwawa Matemba
9 years ago

I beg to differ Kazembe wopuma, I only heard a south African envoy on ZBS telling the nation what she is doing, apart from that, then I read on MaraviPost that Malawi Envoy to US Dick Matenje was appealing for people in the US to help Malawi. Apart from Ngwenya and the south african envoy, where is the other envoy who has engaged and help solicit money for this noble cause? Sometimes it is important to give credit where it is due ndiye paja ife a Malawi inakula ndi Nsanje. Last year, I read alot of good news from this… Read more »

Che Shaibu
Che Shaibu
9 years ago

Kazembewopuma (Comment #1), And I believe this Major Ngwenya has interests in Beforward. Tizimva!

9 years ago

We have received large donations from Nations and Organizations since Malawi lauched an appeal for aid but I’m very surprised why all of a sudden all the attention and credit is on the Malawi Envoy to Japan! The Major General has been lavishly praised by the online media yet out there r equally hard working Malawi Envoys who r soliciting aid for the flood victims yet they r not being praised sky high,(this praise of K1.2m has jolted my mind) my suspicion is that our envoy in Japan is doing this in order to gain favor from the government so… Read more »

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