Bikoko weakest link in DPP – Officials

The ruling Democratic Progressives Party (DPP) is worried about the recent performance and conduct of its Capital City Mayor Demond Bikoko whose political rating has taken a knock ahead of 2019 polls.

Bikoko wants to contest in Zomba Malosa as MP

Formerly a Malawi Congress Party (MCP) Councillor, Bikoko switched sides after being made Mayor by the council.

However, his portfolio has been riddled with intermittent show performance where his conduct and attitude towards the staff and management of the Lilongwe City Council has been outrageous.

“I wish he slowed down abit, he needs to hold himself up,” Rachel Magwaya a DPP Blue League member wrote on Facebook.

Another youth described the fiasco stirred by the youthful Mayor as a sign that “sometimes responsibility avails itself before we young one get matured.”

On the top level, the National Governing Council of the party is worried too.

Bikoko, meanwhile, postures himself to  represent the DPP in Zomba Malosa Constituency next year’s elections.

He has to beat two other contestants in DPP Primaries and face the son of former President Joyce Banda, Roy Kachale on the ballot.

“We anticipate that he (Bikoko) has time to recover the lost public appeal. Let’s see when we get there,” worried a senior placed NGC member.

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6 years ago

I understood the Mayor. He cleary articulated that Mayors are not Executive. Mpinganjira is very successful business man but heads Escom as Board chair. Its management that will let successful people down. Keep the fire burning Bikoko. They will talk about you all they wan but will never be you. Thats why they are bitter.

UTM mwana wa DPP
UTM mwana wa DPP
6 years ago

Show me the strong link in DPP now?

6 years ago

Bikolo and Moza Zeleza are agents of DPP. Maintaining their positions by stealing money from innocent Malawians to fund DPP. Lilongwe City has been at it’s worst during their time, look at the conditions of the roads even in the so called areas of the affluent like area 12. Garbage collection by the City is a thing of the past, so what exactly do they do with the money from city rates and taxes? Now they have gone to the extent of demanding payment for signposts, simple signposts even those on private properties that are already licensed and paying taxes,… Read more »

6 years ago

u joined a bribery party what do u expect being youthful u want a get rich fast scheme i dont blame u not holding ur integrity. U were better off at MCP and u will regret it cause i doubt it if u can beat Roy u choose the wrong place ZA is home to PP specially uve up hill beat Malosa. Goodluck. #UTMwoyee

Chameleone Sentimentals
Chameleone Sentimentals
6 years ago


Chameleone Sentimentals
Chameleone Sentimentals
6 years ago

bikoko, shameful.

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