Bingu Stadium to launch BNS youth day
Bingu National Stadium (BNS) will on Sunday, November 12 launch its first ever BNS Youth Day.

The day is aimed at activating and developing responsible youths.
Temwani Luhanga, one the Event Management Consultant personnel at BNS said this year is about answering to a cause, specifically Sexually Transmitted Diseases and unplanned pregnancy.
Luhanga said the event will be an annual gathering.
Bingu National Stadium and an upcoming organization called Youth In Action and Leaders from several colleges in Lilongwe including LUANAR ,MAGU ,NRC ,MCA ,PLU and Dae Yang are organizing the Youth Day.
“LUANAR registered a prevalence of 78 percent, in addition it has been reported that HIV prevalence in the urban areas is double that of the rural areas” said Luhanga.
The event will have open debates on topic issues, displays for young interprenuers, displays from financial institutions and motivation speeches from Lameck Luhanga, Vanessa Kwilasya, Duncan Zgambo as well as Mandela Mwanza.
Banja La Mtsogolo, FPAM, UNAIDS, PSI will disseminate relevant information to the youth in order for them to live more responsibly and learn about sexual and reproductive health.
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