British High Commissioner to Malawi David Beer has given Malawi a thumbs up for boldly telling Russia to immediately stop the Ukraine invasion.
In a tweet, Beer described Malawi’s message as message of peace.
“I applaud @MalawiGovt’s principled stand ahead of #UNGA and #UNHRC – clear, unequivocal message for peace, denouncing aggression and calling on Russia to leave Ukraine,” he tweeted.
Beer: British HIgh Commissioner to Malawi
On Tuesday, 1st March, 2022 the Malawi Government through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said any conflict is needless, particularly now when the global community is fighting the Covid-19 pandemic and various other humanitarian crisis arising from climate change- induced natural disasters.
“In a globalised world, any threats towards peace and security of any country should be a cause of concern to all UN member states as the humanitarian, economic, social and political consequences of conflicts have no regard for boundaries,” the statement from the ministry said.
It further appealed to the Russian Federation to withdraw its forces from Ukraine and create a platform for a negotiated solution to the crisis for the sake of humanity’s shared aspiration of a secure and peaceful world for all.
And true to her word, Malawi is among the 141 nations that have voted in support of the UN resolution condemning Russia’s aggression in Ukraine & called for withdrawal of its troops despite several African countries abstained from the voting.
Eritrea and 4 other countries voted against the UN’s resolution calling on Russia to withdraw troops from Ukraine.
Algeria, Angola, Burundi, CAR, Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Mozambique, Namibia, Senegal, South Africa, South Sudan, Sudan, Zimbabwe, Tanzania abstained from voting.