BWB disconnects water at Blantyre Police over unpaid bills
The Blantyre Water Board (BWB) has disconnected water at Blantyre Police station due to unpaid bills amounting to over K2 million, Nyasa Times can reveal.
An inside police source confided to Nyasa Times that Blantyre police has failed to pay the amount accumulated in the past twelve months.
“It’s no more a hidden fact that we have had no running water since Saturday when Blantyre water board came to close the taps,” said the source who is a senior ranking officer.
The situation has created panic among police officers and suspects kept on remand who use water-run sanitation facilities like toilets.

“The police cells are in bad shape without running water since the toilets are inside the building. There is foul smell coming out of the cells and there is fear of a break out of water borne diseases like cholera as well as scabies,” complained the police officer source.
Meanwhile, a visit by Nyasa Times crew to the station found some police officers using a bore hole outside the building.
Blantyre Police is housed in what used to be offices for the Ministry of Works and Public Infrastructure near the famous Wenela bus depot.
There was no immediate comment from both Blantyre Police and Blantyre Water Board.
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