Capital Hill reorganization: PSs relocated
Capial Hill, the seat of Malawi government, has seen a reorganization of Principal Secretaries aimed at strengthening performance in a number of ministries.
Principal Secretary for the Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development, Erica Maganga has been moved to Information as PS.
Maganga has replaced Justin Saidi at Information who is now moving to the Ministry of Education as Principal Secretary.
Controller of Agriculture Services, Gray Nyandule Phiri, will replace , Maganga.
The changes have also seen PS Bright Kumwembe relocated t to the Ministry of Energy in the same position.
Secretary for Human Resources Blessings Chilabade has been redeployed to the Ministry of Labour. He has since been replaced with Hillary Chimota
Nyasa Times understands that the reorganisation is part of restructuring to relocate people where they would be most effective.
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this is unfortunate, kuchotsa Dr Ndala of policy planning and leadership and leardership as education ps, zoona?
Moved to where they would be more effective. Ftom Humsn Resource to Labour.
Let the Alomwe roll go and check data at MRA you will see alot of relations from the central “chewa” like Dedza ,Mchinji and ntchisi .Go to other offices and organisation ,pharmanova,Aret, Seedco ,Unima you will think you have reached the north .Lets have census even in Government departments you will see that the northerners and centre are dominating. Even alot of suppliers are people from the north.Most of the times we dont talk what we know but what we think.Lets have an independent body that can have census on this you will amazed even UN organisation offices here full… Read more »
you are busy promoting people like Chimota just because they came from Thyolo! i thought you said you have stopped promoting people to the post of PS! Because number of PS s was big!
Your article is misleading and biased. This reorganization has nothing to do with promoting efficiency and effectiveness of the service other than promoting more Lhomwes. Both Chimota and Nyandule are Lhomwes from Phalombe and Chiradzula. This is what it means so stop efforts to justify this blatant tribalization with words or phrases of promoting efficiency
So an agriculturalist Erica Maganga will be effective at Information? Anyapapi mwawonjeza
Congratulations Mr Nyandule Phiri.
And so it has been determined that PS Saidi the former MYP teacher, will be most effective as Secretary for Education? The mind boggles