Catholic catechist arrested for sexual assault on 13-year-old church choir member
Malawi Police Service at South Lunzu in Blantyre have arrested 35-year-old Catholic Church’s Catechist, Madalitso Mofolo, over defilement offence.
Mofolo, a Catechist at Nanjiriri Catholic Church, is believed to have defiled a 13 year-old church choir member, contrary to Section 138 of the Penal Code.
The incident came to light when the suspect’s wife found the victim crying in the Catechist office, but some members of the Church Council attempted to sweep the matter under the carpet.
The incident occured on 13th August 2020 at around 1700hrs at Nanjiriri Catholic Church in Blantyre and the suspect was subsequently arrested on August 18 2020.
On the material day, the victim went to the church for practice and at around 1700hrs, after the choir practice, she was called to the office of the catechist, who advised her to wait for him as he was also heading to the girl’s home.
The girl waited for him in the office. Whilst there, the suspect locked up the door and started undressing her and later defiled her .
The catechist’s wife got suspicious when she noticed that the catechist’s office was closed yet he was not home.
This prompted her to go to check for him at the office. She knocked several times on the door but she got no answer.
As a result, she decided to wait outside the office and later the catechist opened the door.
The wife got access to the office and found the girl in the toilet screaming for help.
The issue was reported to church council members who agreed with the child’s guardian not to report the case to police.
However, well wishers tipped the police about the incident and investigations led to the arrest of the Catechist.
The suspect was scheduled to start appearing before court on 20th August, 2020
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The church council members should be arrested for obstruction of justice.
a gulupa mwati zinatani apa, kusiya akazi anu kunyumba ali chikhalire inu basi walawala ndi ka mwana ka choir.
Zawavuta tu agulupa shaaaaaaa
Imadya pomwe ayimangilira
Mbuzi imadya pamene ayimangilira Bola kutalika Kwa chingwe
Kumwama kuzativuta ndithu
Akatolika ndichoncho. They learn kunyenga from their priests and bishops who pretend to be celibate koma ana ali thoo mmidzimu. And you must always not trust women who look busy pa parish or pa church, amakhala akunyengana ndi a bambo mfumu or agulupa. Very nasty hypocrites these are.