Catholic Church calls for intraparty democracy in Malawi
Parish Priest for Saint Albert the Great Parish of Mzuzu Catholic Diocese, Reverend Father Martin Kumwenda has called on politicians in the country to be united in their respective political parties to promote intraparty democracy.

Speaking Sunday when he presided over mass cerebration at Saint Albert the Great Parish in the city, Father Kumwenda dwelled his preaching on the need for unity amongst the church’s faithful.
He said lack of unity in any organization leads to confusion amongst its followers.
“We need to pray for unity and political tolerance in all political parties as we celebrate this mass under the theme of Holy Trinity,” Father Kumwenda said.
He added that members of different organizations within the Catholic Church as well as families need to be united to manifest God’s call for love amongst people.
“Political parties need to be democratic as this is the only way to showcase unity amongst followers of individual parties,” Father Kumwenda said.
He further said as the country prepares for the 2019 Tripartite Elections, all political parties need to be democratic and united in carrying out their businesses.
“If there is confusion in individual political parties, it is eminent that such confusion can spill over to their followers,” he said.
The Priest said party leaders should avoid political quarrels as they prepare to elect their presidential torch bearers for the coming tripartite elections to avoid confusing the electorate.
He said lack of tolerance and leadership squabbles will compromise people’s trust on such parties and their presidential candidates in the forthcoming tripartite elections.
The call was made in the awake of power and leadership squabbles which have rocked Alliance for Democracy (Aford), Malawi Congress Party (MCP) and Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) ahead of the tripartite elections
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Catholic is a stinking church. Full of hypocrisy. The priests are terrible womanisers and merciless albino killers. And their justice is highly selective. Why dont they talk of joice banda the thief, the jetgater?
The church is really good at “circumsing a mosquito”. Always analysing this and that and yet Malawi is burning. Catholic Church is the least to talk of democracy within institutions. Catholic Church is renown for lack of transparency and democratic values within its ranks and seems covering for each other’s sins is the order of the day. Clean your dirty house first before you advise others of the benefits of a clean house. However, your message is on point and please share similar message with the vatican.
Ngati pali mipingo imene ukuononga ndale mMalawi muno one of them ndi umenewu. machimo awo kukwilira koma kunena za anzawo. Akati aphe ma albino ali komko. Avine mahempe ali komko. Kusalipira antchito malipiro abwino ali komko. A farisi enieni.