Catholic Church elects Monsignor Thawale as Lilongwe Archdiocese administrator
Lilongwe Archdiocese has elected Vicar General Fr. Dr Patrick Thawale to run the archdiocese as diocesan administrator until a new archbishop has been appointed to replace the late archbishop Tarcizio Ziyaye.

Ziyaye died on December 14 2020 in Namibia and was buried on December 19, 2020. He died of Colon cancer.
The Pope is yet to appoint a new archbishop.
The election of a diocesan administrator is a fulfillment of Canon Law 421 (1) which states: “The College of Consultors must elect a Diocesan Administrator, namely the one who is to govern the diocese temporarily, within eight days from receiving notice of the vacancy of an Episcopal See and without prejudice to the prescript of Can. 502 $3.)”
The election took place on December 22, 2020 in the presence of Archbishop Thomas Msusa, President of the Episcopal Conference of Malawi and Fr. William Turnbull, Secretary for the College of Consultors.
The priests held a secret vote whose results showed that Thawale won.
“Through a secret ballot Monsignor Patrick Thawale was elected the Diocesan Administrator. In this case, we write to communicate to you that Very Reverend , Msgr. Patrick Thawale is the Diocesan Administrator of Lilongwe Archdiocese,” reads a letter co-authored by Archbishop Msusa and Fr. Turnbull dated December 22, 2020 and addressed to the clergy and laity of Lilongwe Archdiocese.
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Congratulations to Msgr Thawale on his election as diocesan administrator.He will hold the fort for the next 2–3 years awaiting the appointment of the new archbishop.All the best for you and for the archdiocese.
May the Lord guide you in this challenging task. We believe in you and you have always demonstrated the leadership we need in the Church. Drive the ship forward Fr. Dr. Patrick Thawale
Basically the next bishop will be chewa again. So the chewas don’t know when to give up power.
I am praying for Bishop Mtumbuka to be elevated to Archbishop of Lilongwe as Karonga also falls under the Archdioceses, if not let elevate angoni Bishop Sitima to lead Lilongwe
How come all the big posts of administration of Lilongwe Diocese come from Mchinji district? Late bishop was from Mchinji, his deputy Mchinji, secretary Mchinji, treasurer Mchinji 😳😳😳
Kuchikamwa bwa?
I said a fact. Say yours.
It has been like this for some time because of the background.The Catholic influence in the District has been so predominant compared to other Districts in the Central Region probably due to Kachebere seminary.
You don’t know what you’re talking about. Kachebere is national. The fact that Chanco is in Zomba does not mean most of people are from Zomba. You see my point??
I used the word probably. Think carefully before you counter a comment.
that’s church politics
He looks matured and ready to lead. We wish him well.
May the Holy Spirit be upon you.May the hand of God guide you. May Jesus Christ lead you in looking after his flock..