Central Regional Water Board to start installing prepaid water meters

Central Regional Water Board (CRWB) has disclosed that it will install prepaid meters at selected institutional and commercial buildings   in the region.

Prepaid meters

The disclosure was made by the boards Public Relations Officer, Zephaniah Mitumba at an interface meeting in Salima which was held on Monday.

He explained that CRWB has acquired 410 meters at a cost of close to K220 million from a Chinese supplier.

“We will start with selected few customers as the meters are very expensive, but the project will be expanding as to when funds are available,” the PRO disclosed.

He said that for Salima Water Scheme, 20 selected customers would benefit in the first phase, which would start before the end of the year.

According to Mitumba the project is aimed at solving some problems which customers were facing in terms of controlling consumption.

‘We are undertaking this project to enable customers to be able to manage their consumption and reduce cases of contested bills,” he pointed out.

In an interview one of the customers for CRWB, Dalitso Gome applauded the board for starting to roll out the important project.

‘This project is very good for us customers, it will bring to the end some challenges we were facing with the current billing system,” he added.

The institutions to benefit includes Salima District Council premises (Urban & Rural),Salima District Hospital, Salima Secondary School, District Education Manager Office, just to mention a few.

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Blessings Mgolomba Kamanga
Blessings Mgolomba Kamanga
7 years ago

The prepaid water metres are a welcome development. It has been a long time coming for such an innovation to hit the malawian market. On the other hand, it is well known that projects like these usually meet alot of hiccups. one of them being network problems. Parastatal institutions are usually the hardest hit. A case in point is the Escom Prepaid Billing system. I am reminded of many a time customers have been inconvinienced when buying the prepaid units due to network problems. Apparently they dont even have a contingency network to fall to when such problems arise. In… Read more »

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