Chakwera this, Chakwera that: Do we really know Malawi’s in-coming president?

Lazarus Chakwera is, definitely, at his political best; in fact, stakes are high he would be Malawi’s next Head of State.

Chawkera: Flashes red card to DPP
Chakwera flashes red card
Chakwera: Red card
Pack up and go: Chakwera symbolically flashes a red card to DPP

For a political figure with a history of being a religious leader, Chakwera exudes a figure of moral uprightness and integrity in the dirty game of politics.

It’s quite an intrigue to note how he rose from the gallows to win the leadership of Malawi Congress Party (MCP) and, in the past 8 years, led the party to the heights it is right now.

If a word is told about Chakwera, tongues always stop at decorating him as a political god, a well measured in speech, tolerant and, to cap it all, a good man leading a dirty game of politics.

But is Chakwera, really, this righteous or he is just a political genius good at masking his worse?

We all know, for a fact, that he had a twenty year stint as the president of Malawi Assemblies of God.

What is interesting, though, is that Chakwera left CCAP, joined Malawi Assemblies of God Church and, then, led the church not just for 10 years—but, imagine, 20 years. How did he manage to do that?

As MCP leader, Chakwera, again, came from the political outside, took over leadership of the country’s oldest party and, arguably, led it so well to the height where it is right now.

In the years he has been on the helm, we have seen him tussle with some of the party’s key leaders and, in all these, Chakwera never came out bruised—still as smart and righteous as we always see him.

In Chakwera, are we really getting what we see about him or it’s just a façade of some sort?

Time will tell.

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nafundo zalo
nafundo zalo
4 years ago

Yes dirty politics di koma Yesu anali pakati pa ocimwa conco ambili anatembenuka.
this country needs to be cleaned is what people want.

nafundo zalo
nafundo zalo
4 years ago

why not LC this LC that .dpp ikuoneka kunalibe ma ORPHANS ndimaesa anali a dad anu!!! iye cimutu gwede kunyadila being glorified than doing the jib hired for.
munatulutsa 3 pages ya CV yake. mmamubwatika iye kumaoneka ngati all is okky.
i doubt wat job he was doing in US.
bcoz azathu amalandila per hour and ndiulesi umenewuwu aaa ndakaika mwa abhale

4 years ago

Dirty politics out in clean politics for new Malawi

4 years ago

You DPP despots, just shut your mouths! You failed to advised APM and now you are coming like angels of light

4 years ago

Some facts are not correct in this article. For example, Chakwera has been MCP president for slightly less than seven years, not for 8 years. He was president of the Assemblies of God for 24 years (1989-2013) not your emphasized 20 years. He was asked to leave CCAP because he was behaving as a minister of a Pentecostal church when he was involved in praying for sick people. He has always held leadership positions in Malawia and abroad. He served in different boards the latest being Malai Council of Sports, public universities Secretariat and the negotiating committee on the Section… Read more »

4 years ago

Mike Fiko another buffoonish reporter. Your own poll slated APM for victory.
You’re engaging in doublespeak you’re itching for monies just shut up when you’ve nothing to report. Don’t spew speculative statements when you’ve facts your fuzzy personal opinion must aligned to evidence.
A journalist in prostitution a mercenary

4 years ago

You can write as bad of an opinion about Chakwera. We voted for change. If Tonse Alliance goes the way of DPP, 2025, they will be out. Thank you. We need new ways of doing things.

Nyirenda Tobious
Nyirenda Tobious
4 years ago

Write more articles (good or bad)about Chakwera, but the citizens want him to try. We were looking for a change of leadership Bec these outgoing have left nothing admirable

4 years ago

Yes!you are very right my brother .thats what africa has been lucking in the past 70 years or change.and that stagnant situation,deraild all the gains of independencies.

Fake Petros
Fake Petros
4 years ago

And people should avoid over-glorifying Chakwera. He should also be very careful not to start making mistakes like APM. In fact without Chilima, Chakwera would not have sailed through.

President Mkango Lion Manthakanjenjemereza
President Mkango Lion Manthakanjenjemereza
4 years ago

we need some one to restore Malawi old glory and create a new Malawi which is habitable.

nafundo zalo
nafundo zalo
4 years ago


4 years ago

Maybe you don’t know the incoming president all that well, but Malawians certainly do know the outgoing president far too well: that’s why they have been a bit wiser this time when casting their vote. One can only hope…

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