Chakwera’s partial Cabinet: Mixture of hope and anxiety for new Malawi

President Lazarus Chakwera has announced a partial Cabinet that, give it a second look, stirs a mixed feeling of hope and anxiety.

Chilima: Back to reforms

You have to be hopeful to see the energetic and workaholic Vice president Saulos Chilima back to head Public Sector Reforms where, after making great strides, he left a gap his contemporaries failed to fill.

Further, having Chilima manage the planning of our economic policy is saucy and juicy because, we know, he will be at the heart of implementing every detail they promised Malawians during the campaign period.

However, I am anxious as to why Finance ministry has, again, been divorced from Economic Planning and Development. The two works together and I would have loved to see them together being headed by Chilima, not Felix Mlusu.

Not that Mlusu is bad. No. Rather, Chilima’s work ethic and energy could help a lot in cleaning the swamp that is in our finance ministry.

Further, Mlusu, for God’s sake, retired in 2016 after over 40 years in corporate governance. We should have left him resting. I don’t find it progressive to be resurrecting retirees when we have several progressive young people in finance that can also do better.

Our justice system with Chilima’s lawyer, Dr Chikosa Silungwe as Attorney General, and Chakwera’s lawyer, Modecai Msisha, as Justice and Constitutional Affairs Minister, doesn’t look bad. What the two can do is a story we all bore the truth and we are self-evident.

Some, of course, can argue that their appointments are more on the appeasing side—which is true; however, we should never shy away from the fact that the two are well-trained and, importantly, immensely experienced.

My only worry, though, are two issues. Msisha is too old and tired. Just as Mlusu, the two should have been left to be resting—if anything, they should have been considered an advisory role, not an active public office they have occupied.

Secondly, we have this sensitive issue about Chakwera and Chilima lawyers billing Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) K9 billion as their legal fees. Granted, how will Silungwe and Msisha handle the outstanding legal fees issue which, we know, the two are also beneficiaries?

Otherwise, the rest of the other appointees don’t stress me at all.

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4 years ago

Msisya refused because he had to outweigh the benefits of his 9.7 billion heist against the benefits he would get as cabinet minister. This was a carefully planned theft by the court judges , the petetioners and their lawyers. If indeed these are realistic charges that lawyers Charge, I guess these people should have been flying jets. Imagine the money they are demanding is our 15% of the provisional budget. HRDC would not say anything about this theft because they have a cut. Potani already hinted that MEC should not worry about costs because they will be paid by Malawians… Read more »

4 years ago

Chilima wanted the position of Finance Minister because he claimed, falsely, that he was underutilised during DPP. Chakwera who agreed to make Chilima be at the heart of government has just given him the previous portfolio Mutharika gave him plus a redundant ministry of Economic Planning – we already have a planning commission. Apapa, Chilima wagwa mayo. Full stop! He is again, in his words, being under-utilised. Of course, for obvious reasons – Chakwera does NOT want to fatten a poisonous SNAKE. Well, now that Chilima has helped him cross the bridge.

4 years ago
Reply to  Tutu

Try again.

Fake Petros
4 years ago
Reply to  BigMan

You are bitter, get used. It’s not just a bad dream!

4 years ago

Malawi iso a very small country, a slight uptick in one sector can vigoroussly rejuvenate our economy. We need to put our elders on welfare,(food stumps and monthly stipends),unemployed youth must get a monthly stipend up until employed,access to financial loans should be laxed .God has blessed us by honouring our vote now is the time for our new leaders to bring an assembly of the genius our land has. Thinkers,creators,designers,innovators, architects should be assembled and help craft a better Malawi. Let emigration be an option to any Malawian, a rebirth of Malawi should be a model the whole Africa… Read more »

4 years ago

On the contrary to your anxiousness, am happy with the newly appointed ministers. This is tough time, we are in clinical period. We don’t need untested medics to treat malawi. This malawi needs already proven and trusted medical remedy. No one can dispute how proficient is mr chilima, no one can dispute professionalism of mr mulusi. His work speaks for him in NICO. WE need people likevthem who can turn around malawi’s dire situation.

Thanks our president for trusting these people as your cabinet ministers

4 years ago

Am disappointed. …why not chilima

4 years ago

AZEZE……ukadetitu onsewo ukukupangitsani kkkkkk

4 years ago

Chimwendo Banda’s appointment to Home Affairs ministry is a misfit in a ‘New Era’ being promised by Tonse Alliance. Look, the guy has been at the center of violence perpetrated by MCP since the 2019 elections. He also shouldn’t have been anywhere near Leader of the House position, we need mature and sober minded people there. Why has the previous leader of opposition been booted out? Komanso other than Silungwe and Msisha, all appintment mwangosanja ochewa basi? Tikukuonanitu.

4 years ago

Muli kunja inu,do you think angamusankhe asanakambilane,
Mwayambapo,tiyeni tiwapatse 100 days nde tione kuti ndi chani?as of now Chilima azionetsetsa kuti zomwe zinanenedwa zipangiwe,
Ili ndi boma la Chakwera ndi Chilima,Sila bingu Kaya Peter,nde boma ili siliyendera history,koma zomwe zikufunika kuchitika

Ntumbuka Ine
4 years ago

Komanso Itsanana inuuuuu? Zeze told the whole world that he will be Min of Finance. Amangodzikodzeramo? The ex-reverend Nyau Lezala prefers a tired and good for nothing tribesman, a nyau from Kasungu. 69 years old who retired as an executive of the insurance industry. Reason, he got a loan and sponsored Itsanana. Cry my beloved country. My vote was wasted. Down the drain it goes.

Sikelo Gonani
Sikelo Gonani
4 years ago
Reply to  Ntumbuka Ine

Koma inu mukuti ‘mtumbukambuka” ndinu mbuzi yeniyeni. Mwachoka kuti kodi, Ku Tanzania kapena? Minister was Home Affairs akufufuzeni bwino. Tiona nonse mutumizidwa kwanu illegal imigrants

Ntumbuka Ine
4 years ago
Reply to  Sikelo Gonani

Iwe wa EMUSIPI kapena was UTM Moto Buu?

4 years ago
Reply to  Ntumbuka Ine

Zikuwawa siwunati. Unya osati masewela

Ntumbuka Ine
4 years ago
Reply to  Zodetsa

Ati anye ndi mbuye wako wa nyau.

4 years ago

Kodi mesa finance minister tinagwirizana kuti azakhala zeze? Mwayamba kukondera

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