Chewa Heriage responds to Kabwila appeal for Malawi flood disaster
The Chewa Heritage Foundation (CHEFO), a cultural and charitable grouping has responded to support calls to hailstorms and floods victims in Salima North-West constituency by donating various food items worth MK1 million courtesy of Nu-Skin Force for Good Foundation based in the United States.
The food items including bags of maize, beans, salt and usipa (bonya).
Member of Parliament for the area, Dr Jessei Kabwira made an appeal for an urgent help towards over 55 families who were affected by hailstorms and floods which hit GVH Mwadyakale in Traditional Authority (T.A) Nkhombedza on February 27.
Chairperson of CHEP, Professor Kanyama Phiri said the little given to the victims might ease their pain for some time saying providing them with farm inputs for irrigation farming was an ideal.
“This is the third time support towards the course of easing foods victims’ pain. This, however, might not be sustainable but providing them with farm inputs for irrigation farming which will help them to have food in the dry season. We are hoping to sources other funds for such a course because doing so will be the best way of helping them”, said Professor Phiri .
Traditional Authority Khombedza commended CHEFO for the donation of relief items which was wealth K1 million.
Member of Parliament for the area Dr Jessie Kabwira has since commended CHEFO for the gesture.
“These are true friends who show up themselves in times of trouble,” she said.
Kabwila appealed for more support “especially on farm inputs for irrigation farming as many families don’t have food now due also dry spell which hit the area.”
Chewa Heritage Foundation (CHEP) was established early 2006 with aim of preserving customs, values and traditions of chewa people across the nation with over 137 chiefs under its operation.
Alomwe ndinu agalu abasi kadzivinanu maliseche basis mbuzi
Namchunjule ndi nyau yowoneka bwanji? Virombo vikamakuwa osamaziyankha. MCP ndi chipani cha nyau zokhazokha. Kapena ndikunama. Ndani chewa amene sadamete. Dzikoli silingalamuli- dwe ndi virombo (nyau). Kamuzu (Richard Armstrong) adali wa ku Ghana, ndichifukwa chake adalamulira. Akadameta( akadasanduka nyau) sakanalamulira dzikoli. MCP inaba Capital city kuchokera ku Zomba, zoona zabodza?
adali wa ku Ghana
Koma Nanchunjule ungotipwetekatu ife alomwe. Ndipo mlhakho wa alomwe umakupwetekani bwanji? Jessie Kabwira siuyu akulimbikitsa chikhalidwe cha Gule wa Mkulu. Ndipo ife a Lhomwe sitikuona vuto. Koma zikakhala za ife a Lhomwe a Chewa mumachita kutsegula m’mimba. Mavuto anu ndi angati a garu inu. Mumuuze Chakwera kuti sadzalamuliratu dziko la Malawi. Ngati ndi Profeti Sinodeni amene adamunamidza kuti dzikoli likufunika born again, ndiye born again si ameneyu. Mu
thank you
Chonde musadane ndi alomwe
Kodi galu ndani mmalawi muno yemwevsadziwa kuti palibe chisankho chomwe dpp idawinapo?? Zonse kubera. Likudza tsiku lowawitsa kumene momwe a dpp ndi UDF mudzalila ndikukuta mano Ambuye Yesu atayika pambalambanda machismo any, pitala wanu akutsegulilidwa khomo lajahena tsiku kumeneko mudzalila ndikudziguguda pamtima mukunena kuti if only we played it fair but alas it will be too late
Mantha a lomwe. Tokotani mumveke ndinthu
Kodi nonse mukuti nyo nyo kulimbana ndi Alhomwe’fe, why are you doing this? Ife Alhomwe timakuchimwirani chiyani abale? Tiwonana 2019 agaru inu! Ngati pulezidenti achokere from centre ndiye kuti mwalemba m’madzi. Remember that Chakwera wanted to woo Christians to vote for him. Kodi Chakwera wanuyo anaiwona vote? Kodi aliponso wina woposa APM kumbali ya ndale? APM woyeee! DPP woyee!
Achewa musamadzinamize kuti mcp idzalamulanso maloto a chumba amenewo,kodi munatuluka liti m’boma.
Ndiye akabwira kuchita kuwaphatha choncho abambowo? Ee akufuna amve kutenthatu.
All this noise for donating 1million? $2000? Putting btogether resources from the USA? kkkkkk Achewa chimene mumatha nkudzipaka matope ndi bibi kukamwa mwati nde gule