Chiefs want Senate as second legislative chamber in Malawi

Malawi traditional leaders are pressing government to set up a senate, a second chamber of parliament that the United Democratic Front administration rejected in the 1990s claiming it was expensive.

Paramount Chief Kyungu : Malawi should have Senators
Paramount Chief Kyungu : Malawi should have Senators

Chief Kyungu of Karonga and other traditional leaders started the debate last week during the installation of Chief Ngolongoliwa of Thyolo as Mwene wa ma mwene or the supreme leader of the Lhomwes.

Kyungu said it is only through the second chamber that traditional leaders can meaningfully participate in the development of the nation.

The original clause in the Republican Constitution said Malawi was to have an 80 member appointed senate including chiefs and other interest groups like women groups and persons with disabilities.

However, the call is likely to face criticism in the face of severe economic problems the country is going through and also huge sums of money the government is spending on the 193 legislators through their high salaries and larger than life allowances.

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Nyani wa ku Mwananyani
Nyani wa ku Mwananyani
9 years ago

My family has to always consider the finances in our household. If we can’t afford gas, for example, we can’t drive to the homestead – my wife’s home village or mine. No ifs or buts. Period.
Malawi has no money; so forget the idea. The chiefs think they they would have an opportunity to use senate business for allowances.
Furthermore, chiefs already have too much power, considering that they are not elected. Their actions are not necessarily democratic. Asa.

Mark Saoneka
Mark Saoneka
9 years ago

Chiefs deserve a senate as they stay with majority of Malawians. British colonialists worked with them very well, and had their own senate under colonial gvt. They ar a source of cheap development and Malawi can start developing at a fast rate becoz the local citizens can be taken to task thereby exercising their responsibility in development. Currently development is at stand-still becoz pple have lost every responsibility into the hands of executive.

Blunt Truth
Blunt Truth
9 years ago

It would be a very big mistake to put chiefs in the senate. Chiefs are govt stooges who are always bullied and intimidated by govt. Every chief who speaks at a presidential rally is forced to speak as a politician-bwana mu 2019 tikupatsani MP-what a crap! No senate for chiefs.

Ujeni Phiri
Ujeni Phiri
9 years ago

Which Chiefs? Malawian political stooges? Don’t waist my tax to promote corruption in the country since proposed sanet members are not credible.

9 years ago

Chiefs as they are can meaningfully contribute to the development of the country. It was like that up to the early 90s.
When chiefs called their subjects to clear roads or construct a school or clinic,all the people did just that. They can also do the same now. Why are you asking for what you already have?

The Analyst
The Analyst
9 years ago

O………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………O We are all born different; thus grow up and become different just as we also die differently. Our purposes in this world are different and so are our journeys and roles. Now, problems start when we start wanting to become something else; other than what we are. You want to become Rihanna, 50 Cent, P-Square e.t.c This is the case because we strain ourselves so hard in trying to become what we are not that we start behaving weirdly and strangely and involve ourselves in dangerous ventures and dealings e.g. thievery. However, we only end up in trouble because… Read more »

9 years ago

Do not allow this wastage of resources.
Chiefs are a bunch of uneducated dictators who were never elected by anybody always claiming they support the government of the day when they support their bellies.
Abolish chiefdoms. We already have elected councillors and MPs for their jobs.

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