Chikwawa district commemorates breastfeeding week
Chairperson for Chikwawa district council, Collex Nankumba has urged mothers to observe exclusive breastfeeding to prevent stunting among children.

Nankumba made the remarks Wednesday at Lundu Primary School in the area of Senior Chief Chapananga during the launch of the district’s breastfeeding commemoration week.
He said exclusive breastfeeding plays a very important role in the brain development of a child.
“Babies that are breastfed exclusively grow healthy. They have healthy brains that make them perform better in class when they reach the age of going to school,” said the Chairperson.
He therefore called on chiefs to sensitize their subjects on the importance of exclusive breastfeeding noting the activity plays a critical role in reducing stunting in the community.
In her remarks, Chikwawa DHO representative, Slyvia Pelenje said children should be breastfed starting from the time they are born up to six months.
“When the woman gives birth, she should start breastfeeding the baby immediately after 30 minutes. The first milk contains nutrients important for the growth of the child,” she said.
The exclusive breastfeeding week in Chikwawa is being commemorated under the theme ‘Sustaining Breastfeeding Together’.
The Malawi Red Cross (MRC), Goal Malawi, World Vision, CADECOM supported the event.