Chilima to launch Malawi development strategy report Thursday
Vice President Salous Chilima ,who is also Minister of Economic Planning and Development and Public Sector Reforms, will on Thursday preside over the official launch of the Malawi Growth and Development Strategy (MGDS) III Mid-Term Review Report at a virtual event to be coordinated from Lilongwe from 2pm.

A statement from the National Planning Commission (NPC) says the launch of the report by the Vice President demonstrates commitment by the new administration in ensuring the continuity of development plans despite changes in political regimes.
“The review report will help stakeholders to gain lessons on how to accelerate implementation progress by highlighting interventions that are making impactful change towards the improvement of lives and the well being of local Malawians but also help in defining the capacities required for enhancing performance in the areas that are lagging,” says the statement signed by NPC Communications Specialist Thom Khanje.
Khanje further says the review also serves as an accountability mechanism for various stakeholders that have a role to play in the country’s development agenda.
Malawi is in the course of implementing MGDS III which started in 2017 and will end in the year 2022.
According to the NPC statement, MGDS III is the third in the series of MGDS development plans which began in 2005 as the medium-term strategies for operationalising Vision 2020.
“MGDS III’s main focus is on building a productive, competitive and resilient nation. The year 2020 being the half way in the implementation of MDGS III made it necessary for Malawi to take stock of progress and identify things that are working, those that are not working and why,” reads the statement.
According to Khanje, the review focused on performance of the Key Priority Areas (KPAs), Flagship Projects and Other Development Areas (ODA) in the period under review.
“The review report presents an account of both achievements and challenges made half way through the implementation period. For example, progress has generally been registered in the macro-economic environment of the country, especially on attaining single digit inflation, sustained GDP growth at around 5% percent per annum and a fairly stable Malawi kwacha against major trading currencies,” says Khanje in the statement.
He says during the period under review, Malawi registered noticeable improvements in ICT, maternal health, child health, sanitation, irrigation, rural electrification and several other areas.
” Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals has also largely been on track, with Malawi registering progress in 18 indicators while it is on track on another 80 indicators although progress on a further 66 indicators has been slow,” reads the statement.
However, NPC says the country faced challenges in various areas such as the fight against malaria and tuberculosis. while energy supply also remains low while agriculture is still hugely rainfed, undiversified and characterized by low productivity.
” This report has acknowledges some gaps in implementation capacities at all levels, including in the coordination of implementation and monitoring of development projects,” says Khanje in the statement.
NPC was established through an Act of Parliament in 2017 with the mandate of coordinating development of the long and medium-term development plans of the country and overseeing their implementation, and collaborated with the then Department of Economic Planning and Development (EP&D) to review implementation of the MGDS III for the period 2017 to 2019.
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Mbava za DPP can you keep silent please
Thanks for continuing ntchito za APM and indirectly acknowledging ntchito za APM and DPP
Prodigal son your home was in DPP
Usazalole u running mate 2024?
NPC another of Peter Muthalika brainchild that will benefit Malawi for years after he is wrong gone. Akin to when Gordon Brown set free bank of England by granting it monetary policy independence
Great! We are finally admitting the success of previous govt.
No matter how much of rooting stories get cooked out. The matter of fact is that this country was heading in the right economic and development direction under APM
so why were you stealing??????
Nobody ever said everything done under DPP was bad, but unfortunately the bad was surpassing the good. The 1st years of APM were good when the reforms program was on track under Chilima and that is the time NPC came into being. Unfortunately without Chilima by his side, the vendors in DPP took advantage of the sleeping old man and the country was on total autopilot with every him and jam stealing from Malawians like nobody’s business. How can a country that had a president who was failing to know that his Tpin is being abused lead a nation into… Read more »
BOMA ILO 🇲🇼💪🏾🔥🐓
This government is on autopilot. It seems we don’t have a president. Why should Arafat Hamdan launch a national strategy?
Nanu inu, mwazolowera kuti President ndi amen azingopanga chilichonse. Nanga report yomweyi basi is it bad for VP to preside over it? This is a tag team and the guys are working together, kuzolowera kuwona ma siren a President kumatuluka kukatiwudza kuwait amamwa vinyo not kachaso.
Koma abale, is this necessary when COVID cases and deaths are rising. Why can’t the report be made available for people to read. Shame!
A zeze sukulu ndiyabwino kapena muwerengeso bwino akuti via virtual meaning it will be through webinar kind of a meeting. Mmangothamangira kutsutsa musanamvetse shupit
chizungu cha webinar and virtual chinawaphoya a zeze, kikikikikikikik
It’s a virtual meeting sir
mmmmm umbuli, chani. read the whole story before you post your nonsense comment
I doubt if you have read the whole story before posting your ‘sensible’ comment!!!! It is a virtual meeting, so no worries.