Chiwamba to launch third poetry album titled ‘Kuchokera Ku Chanco ndikachirombo’

Sensational poet Robert Chiwamba will on Saturday, December 22 2018 get to the climax of his poetry journey as he will be launching his long awaited third poetry album titled ‘Kuchokera Ku Chanco ndikachirombo’ a dedication to all public university students who are struggling or dropping out of school due to the inconsiderate fees hike.

Chiwamba: launch this Saturday

The event is scheduled to take place at Cresta Crossroads hotel in Lilongwe where among others renowned poets Nyamalikiti Nthiwatiwa, Mada Nyambo, Yona Mlakatuli Gondwe, Phindu Zaie Banda, Jedidiah and Fanny Mbewe will perform.

Speaking in an interview with Nyasa Times, Chiwamba said all the preparations are done and people should expect one of the classic poetry events ever.

According to Chiwamba, the album was recorded by Mvahiwa Hankey at Audio Clinic Studios in Naperi, Blantyre and has 58 exciting and inspirational poems which targets people from all walks of life.

“I am more that prepared to dish out my best performance during this extra-ordinary event, I don’t just wake up and start writing poems but I write what exactly people are experiencing on a daily basis, people should come in large number to get what I have prepared for them this Christmas season,” he said

He also added that he is planning to launch the album in different places including Blantyre and Mzuzu.

Some of the famous pieces in the album are anthu mukukwatiratu, Ku ukwati wa chibwenzi chako chakale, Ndzakukwatira Magetsi akazayaka just to mention a few.

Poet Mada Nyambo has also confirmed his presence saying he has prepared a special Christmas gift for his fans in Lilongwe.

“It’s been long time since I performed in Lilongwe, now is my time to show my fans that I am making progress in poetry every minute” he said

Slated to start at 7 O’clock in the evening the event will attract an entry fee of K10, 000 standards and K20, 000 VIP.

Tickets are currently selling at K8000 and K15000 standard and VIP respectively, in the following places Crossroads Business center, Steers City Centre and Cheza café at Game Complex

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6 years ago

Mumakwanitsa big

Ambilasile Mwenye
6 years ago

Mr. Chiwamba, its high time you grew up, you graduated from Chanco and its time you moved on. Your obsession with college life will not do any good to your career. Please start making mature stuff that will be liked by all Malawians ,a majority of whom did not go to Chanco and do not have anything to do with Chanco.

6 years ago

I think simunamvere ndakatulo zake zina zambiri

6 years ago


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