Civil servants yet to get September pay cheque
Some civil servants, including public officers at State House, are yet to get their September pay cheque four days into October as fingers point at government for blowing the money on United Nations General Assembly expenses in the United States.

Sources have confided in Nyasa Times that the most affected are ministries of Health, Education, Natural Resources and Environment, some district and city councils as well as the State House.
“This is a normal occurrence every year, this time around when the president is in the US for UNGA. The government struggles to pay us,” said our source.
Secretary for Treasury Ben Botolo referred the matter to the director of Budget at Treasury Chancy Simwaka who said his ministry cleared all the money on September 26.
Accountant general could not be reached for his comment on when the civil servants will be paid .
And the same civil servants vote for this dpp-led govt with all the torture goodluck while I’ll also be sipping coffee in New York!!
are u sure? I work for gvt and was paid on 28 sept. what are u talking about? What if u write some civil servant yet to get the sept chq. Who do u want to impress?
Don’t be an idiot. The story says “some” so why are you trying to generalise? Don’t be too stupid if you are pro-government. Imbecile!
Did you read the story properly? Don’t just be defensive. I am also a civil servant I am yet to get my pay.
Read the first sentence my friend