Council embarks on park creation in Lilongwe
Lilongwe City Council (LCC) has embarked on a plan to establish a recreation park at Area 18 in Lilongwe dubbed ‘Area 18 Valley Park’ where people, including the youth will be able to host different activities such as wedding ceremonies and sports games among others.

Speaking on the sidelines of a ground-breaking ceremony for the park on Wednesday, Lilongwe City Deputy Mayor, Richard Banda said the city council decided to embark on the development after noticing the gaps in recreation places in Lilongwe City.
“In our city we do not have recreation parks, for this reason as city council we decided to create one at Area 18 where city residents, particularly the youth, will be conducting various activities such as weddings and sports games including football,” Banda said.
He added that the park, which is expected to boost the city council’s revenue through fees payments by clients, will be in operation by March, 2020.
Banda further said the park would also add beauty to the city in addition to enhancing environmental conservation around the park area.
In her remarks, Area 18 Chimutu Ward Councilor Esther Sagawa hailed LCC for its decision, saying the facility would motivate the youth in her area.
“We have a lot of problems with our youth whereby some of them are being engaged in violent acts as well as drug abuse because they have nowhere to go for a breather.
“In this case, I am happy with the development of the park in my area as it would keep our youth busy with various activities, hence keeping them away from engaging in undesired behaviours,” she said.
Commenting on the same, Gilbert Zimba who is Group Village Headman Chatuwa at Area 18 also commended LCC for coming up with the decision for a park project, saying over the years, his people have been waiting for such development.
Sagawa is doing commendable job in area 18. Congratulations madam, that’s the leadership spirit that we need.
We need one as well in area 25 pls. It’s not a joke. Area 25 is massively growing like crazy & lots of youths jobless if we have a park that would give them a smile, would be great.
Guys this may look good on paper but under which strategic an and who approved the strategic plan? Are private entrepreneurs involved and who are they and have the ans already been approved by relevant authorities? It seems in lilongwe city developments are just being done haphazardly. I understand the Japanese produced a master plan of the city. Kodi zimenezi zili mmenemu? In terms of planning bt and za are far much better than ll and mzuzu. Too much chisawawa. The city is not all that big but eish wina lero kungokhala ndi udindo pang’ono wayambitsa zake wina kungobwera mawa… Read more »
Mbwiye you are very right, Lilongwe sucks big time. what kind of a capital city allows ground floor building built at the heart of the city central ? Look at the type and standards of the roads currently being constructed at the city centre. eish Malawi pena pake
Mwasowa zochita eti? Mulibe malo a park mu 18
Let zomba Blantyre mzuzu
BALAKA kasungu emulate the same idea not only Lilongwe needs such facility —
Create more not just one… Komaso osati kwa olemela okhaokha…. Chigwiri, we need one, area 23, kawale, ntchesi we need them too.
These are basic facilities for any tiny town. It is not newsworthy. It is a sign that we have always been behind like ….
Go to any small town elsewhere you will find these recreational facilities mbwembwembwe.
This is a very commendable decision by the City Council which has been long in coming. If well designed and constructed with modern structures and infrastructures the facility will greatly enhance the aesthetics and image of Area 18 and will also go a long way in improving the quality of the social life of its residents. Congratulations Lilongwe City Council.
Hope it will not be the same park like the one at Mbowe filling station where it has come to be a place of criminal activity such as unsolisted sex due to alcohol and drug abuse. I beg to the authorities to close that place because even the owner of that place cannot be happy to see his own children there. The dishearting part of it is that most of people patronizing the place are teens and younger. Who is the owner of that place and what is the purpose of that place? Help me to understand. Is he untouchable… Read more »
Zaithwa i partially agree with you but i feel the main problem is our cities and the government. look at the all townships in the city, which one has a youth centre where our youths can go for sports and recreation ? None
We need more recreation centres in our cities