Court adjourns former judiciary spokesperson Mlenga Mvula case

The High Court in Blantyre has on Monday adjourned a case in which former judiciary spokesperson Mlenga Mvula is answering a case of abuse of office and obtaining money by false pretence.

Judiciary spokesman Mlenga Mvula: On bail

The case has been adjourned to December 7, 2020 when the defense is expected to parade 10 witnesses.

Mvula was arrested in 2017 on allegations that he corruptly solicited money and favours from United Methodist Church in the name that high court judges and former attorney Kalekeni Kaphale to favour the church in another case.

Monday morning, the state paraded its last witness, Patrick Nkhoma, a Malawi police service forensic expert.

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Moqtadar al Sadir
4 years ago

Uladi Mussa is already there so don’t worry.

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