Court awards former Macra director general K500 million compensation
Tax payers will be forced to dig deeper into their pockets to compensate a former Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (Macra) a whopping K500 million for unlawful dismissal.

Industrial Court documents show that Charles Nsaliwa has been compensated K42,060,000.00 for what the court said immediate loss.
Nsaliwa has also got K514,118,649.35 for future loss.
He also got K13,774,169.00 as severance allowance bringing the total compensation in monetary terms to K569,952,818.32.
Read the court documents in part: “According to the secondment letter, the applicant [Nsaliwa] was to draw same salaries and benefits as stipulated in his contract with the respondent [Macra].
“He treated the move by his employer as constructive dismissal and commenced these proceedings claiming compensation. The court agreed with him.”
This huge financial burden on the tax payer comes at a time the same tax payer has been forced to pay Tonse alliance lawyers in the presidential election case a staggering K7 billion.
Analysts have argued that the right procedures must be followed when firing and hiring new managers in parastatals whenever there is a regime change in the country to avoid burdening taxpayers with hefty compensations to fired employees.
Future loses how???hes not in business but mere employee and he could never have earned 500million even if he worked his entire life. The industrial court judge must be also benefitting from this. If he was dismissed illegally then he only needs to be compensated til the time his contract was supposed to be expired and that can never translate to 500million. This is day light Robbery. ACB and Ombudsman must investigate this false compensation claims.
Adyapo nayeso
Nyenkhwe taxes payers
Tonse government yidakali kulipira
Mpaka yitasowa ndalama zogulira fertilizer.
Parliament should immediately change the law so that those committed the sins should be able to pay themselves. This quite unfair that the one who caused such mistake is so quiet and enjoying the money he or she stole during their time. Tax payers are suffering for no apparent reason.
Nsaliwa should be paid immediately ndalama asanathe maloya a Chakwera ndi a Chilima. Please MCP Govt pay this guy immediately. After all ndalamazotu sizikuchoka mthumba la munthu.Nsaliwa wadutsatu apa
Msaliwa kumbukila kuti nawenso unachotsa employee wa macra chifukwa cha chibwenzi chako chili ku botswana chija. Ndalama zimenezo uzidya mowawa. Bola usapange nazo stroke chifukwa uja unamuchotsa uja amakudandaula mpaka lero
Don’t forget to pay the people you tortured during the one party system. They’re still waiting. Some even died. Do what is right.
Was he fired or seconded somewhere on same package and benefits he enjoyed at MACRA? If he was seconded to another department, Govt can appeal that and save taxpayers’ money; else, i.e. if he was fired unjustily, then lets pay him compansation (as tax payers)
This sends the right message to silly bosses who dismiss staff willy nilly on flimsy grounds without due regard to laid down procedures. This opens a pandoras box for more lawsuits. Be ready! Pay back time! Some shaky corporations may fold up under the weight of such hefty pay-outs!
Only if the bosses pay it themselves, in this case it is MACRA that has to pay.
Next step is that the bosses get dismissed on the grounds of causing irregular expenditure.
We are paying for the stupidity of others. I think we need guiding principles so that those who act in such manner shouldn’t go free above us paying for their carelessness.
500million mzathu zako zayela..paja tikuyenelanso kupeleka zingati ku mlamu wa MEC uja? am seeing achina Andrew Kumbatila nawo akulandila zawo..the precedence has been set.
Who fired Nsaliwa ?