CSAT renews media collaboration in providing public checks and balances

The Centre for Social Accountability and Transparency (CSAT) has reiterated the need for it to join hands with the media in the country in providing checks and balances regarding issues to do with accountability and transparency.

CSAT renewed its commitment to work with the media on this noble cause on Thursday evening at Chatonda Lodge in Mzuzu during an interface meeting with journalists belonging to Nyika Media Club.

Speaking to Nyasa Times after the meeting, Citizen Engagement Manager for CSAT, Moffat Phiri, said journalists were partners in the civil society especially in informing, advocating and as watch dogs of various forms of flouting accountability aspects of various social concerns affecting the Malawian citizenry.

“Media cannot work in isolation from governance civil societies. In this vain, CSAT has to continue strengthening its relationship with the media fraternity so that issues of general governance and social accountability can be publicised.

“CSAT should also take a leading role in capacity building for journalists to ensure that social accountability issues are well documented for the benefit of the Malawian population,” remarked Phiri.

Touching on the forthcoming tripartite elections, Phiri said CSAT will work will different stakeholders to make sure that the ground is levelled for the media as well as politicians.

Chairperson for Nyika Media Club, Feston Malekezo, observed that the terrain being trodden by journalists as the country moves closer to general elections next year is so slippery hence the need to roll up their sleeves.

Said Malekezo:“We need to get knowledge from the best as we approach the elections. CSAT have been in this for quite a while and it was important to have them tonight because we have gotten some insights on how we can trace what is happening in the communities and inform our audiences better.”

Speaking on British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) recently, CSAT Executive Director, Willy Kambwandira, questioned the wisdom by the government of Malawi in dragging Vice President Dr Saulos Chilima to court on issues of corruption linked to business person Zuneth Sattar, only to drop the charges this week.

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