Dan Lu new material leaks

Afro Pop artist Dan Lu new material has leaked on social media, radios and club joints just days after an attempted grand theft auto.

Dan Lu: Material in hands of thieves

Last week, thieves broke into Dan Lus car in Blantyre, getting away with a stereo and other items when he parked the vehicle to collect new music at the studio.

Inside the stereo was a recording of Dan Lu unreleased material ‘Gwedezu’ which has apparently found its way to the internet.

Dan Lu has since authenticated the material saying it is indeed his. He says the song is part of his upcoming ‘Game Changer’ which is currently in the works.

“Yes it is true that my song has apparently leaked after my car was trashed and my car CD player robbed by un known assailants” adding “This is quite disturbing for me as we had plans to release my single 1+1 with Flavour” said Dan Lu.

“I have made a phone call to my management in South Africa and waiting for a decision to be made. Right now I just want to contain this, it’s my number one priority but like I said disturbing”

The Sweet Banana artist says this is not how he wanted the song to come out and it has greatly disturbed his initial plan.
He says a video for the song was in the works before the leakage. Adding the process was in an advanced stage as a video script had been sent to his management in South Africa.

“‘Gwedezu’ is about a gorgeous girl you meet almost everywhere you go and it hard to take your eyes off her. Even if you have your woman besides you, you can’t take your eyes off her and that gets you in hot soup. Iam saying sometimes I wish I had not eyes to see what is going on because beautiful girls just keep on getting born” explained Dan Lu in a clearly not happy mood.

Despite the setback Dan Lu say since the song is already out he will not take it back but leave it out there but bemoaned the incident as terrible.

“Right now I don’t have any option but to accept the song out there” “iam very very disturbed because when we want to release a song we come up with a flawless plan” he said.

The song was produced by one of Malawis top notch producer, Tricky Beats

He however thanked his fans for the support they give him every time and apologized for the leak saying this is not how he wanted them to get the pledging to do better next time.

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7 years ago

nane sindikunvetsa,mwati atchola gumbagumba yabwana? ayi tate awa ndi mafilimu..mukuyesa msika!

7 years ago

He leaks his bedroom photos, what’s strange about leaking of his music

Ibrahm wa ziyambo sanudi

NDE inuyo bwanji ,osakawafunsa amene a kupezeka nayoyo kuti anaipeza bwanji?

Dan Chidzere
7 years ago

It’s a very sad development and let me advise you to record the same song and put in some tricky elements in between the song to make it different from the stolen one.

7 years ago

akunama uyu…. marketing gimmicks imeneyi

7 years ago

I think he is just market testing. Pls Dan Lu be real!

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